Участник:Balamutick/Компьютерные термины эсперанто
Компьютерные термины на языке эсперанто. (за основу для пополнения, взята популярная страница на англ.-эспер. языке - http://komputeko.net/komputeko-eo.txt. Составляется вручную, ведётся работа.
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правитьsubst. advertising banner reklamrubando subst. advertising button reklambutono subst. adware reklamprogramaro subst. affiliation program partnera programo subst. affirmative response jeso verbo aggregate kolekti subst. aid helpo verbo aim celi subst. air conditioning klimatizilo subst. air vent aerklapo subst. airbrush sxprucpistolo verbo alert averti subst. alert averto subst. alert box averta fenestro subst. alert message averta mesagxo subst. algorithm algoritmo adj. algorithmic algoritma subst. alias (link to file) simbola ligilo subst. alias (person) kromnomo subst. aliasing kromnomado verbo align gxisrandigi subst. align bottom gxisrandigi malsupren subst. align center centrigi subst. align center horizontally centrigi horizontale subst. align center vertically centrigi vertikale subst. align centered centrigi subst. align left gxisrandigi maldekstren subst. align middel centrigi subst. align right gxisrandigi dekstren subst. align to grid loki laux krado subst. align to top gxisrandigi supren subst. alignment gxisrandigo subst. all caps nur majuskloj adj. all-in-one cxio-en-unu verbo allocate atribui subst. allocation atribuo subst. allocation unit atribua unuo verbo allow permesi subst. alpha release alfa eldono adj. alphabetic alfabeta adj. alphanumeric litercifera subst. Alt key Alt-klavo verbo alter modifi subst. alteration modifo verbo alternate alterni subst. alternate current alterna kurento adj. alternating alterna subst. alternating group alterna grupo subst. amount sumo subst. ambiguity plursenceco adj. ambiguous plursenca subst. ampersand kaj-signo subst. amplification amplifo subst. amplifier amplifilo verbo amplify amplifi adj. analog(ue) analoga subst. analog-to-digital converter ciferecigilo subst. analysis analizo subst. analyst analizisto adj. analytic analiza subst. analyzer analizilo subst. anchor ankro subst. anchor cell ankra cxelo subst. anchor point ankra punkto adj. ancillary helpa subst. animated button movigxanta butono subst. animated image movigxanta bildo subst. animation animacio verbo annotate prinoti subst. annotation prinonto subst. anomaly nenormalajxo adj. anonymous anonima subst. anonymous FTP anonima FTP subst. answering tool respondilo subst. anti spam kontrauxspamilo subst. anti-aliasing glatigo subst. anti-piracy system kontrauxpirata sistemo subst. antivirus software senvirusigilo verbo anycast mallon. API API subst. aperture aperturo subst. apostrophe apostrofo subst. appearance apero verbo append postglui adj. appendable postgluebla subst. Apple hardware Apple aparataro subst. Apple platform Apple platformo subst. Apple software Apple programaro subst. applet retprogramo subst. appliance aparato subst. appliance server subst. application aplikajxo subst. application designer tool komponilo subst. application folder programdosierujo subst. application launcher aplikajxolancxilo subst. application layer aplika tavolo subst. application program aplika programo subst. Application Programming Interface aplikprograma interfaco subst. application server pages servilaplikaj pagxoj subst. application software aplika programaro subst. Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) Aplikadospecifa Integrita Cirkvito (ASIC) verbo apply apliki verbo apply power to kurentprovizi subst. approach aliro adj. arbitrary arbitra subst. arc arko subst. architecture arkitekturo verbo archive enarkivigi subst. archive arkivo subst. archiving arkivado subst. archiving software arkiva programaro subst. area areo subst. argument argumento adj. arithmetic aritmetika subst. arithmetic and logical unit aritmetikilo subst. arithmetics aritmetiko subst. arm (access) brako verbo arrange arangxi subst. array tabelo subst. array type tabeltipo subst. arrow sago subst. arrow key sagoklavo subst. art department grafikistoj subst. article (website) artikolo subst. artificial intelligence artefarita intelekto subst. artificial language artefarita lingvo subst. artwork artajxoj verbo ascend kreski subst. ascender superliniajxo adj. ascending kreska subst. ascending order kreska ordo subst. ascending sort kreska ordigo subst. ASCII askio subst. ASCII character set askia signaro verbo ASCIIze askiigi mallon. ASP ASP subst. aspect ratio proporcio verbo assemble asembli subst. assembler asemblilo subst. assembly language asembla lingvo subst. assertion aserto verbo asses taksi subst. assessment taksi subst. asset pluso verbo assign atribui subst. assignment atribuo subst. assistant (installation) asistanto (instala) verbo associate asociigi subst. association asociigo subst. asterisk steleto adj. asymmetric malsimetria adj. asynchronous nesinkrona adj. at random aleatore subst. at sign heliko verbo attach file kunligi dosieron subst. attachment kunsendajxo subst. attendance cxeesto subst. attribute atributo verbo attribute atributi subst. audio editor sonredaktilo subst. audio mixer miksilo por sonoj subst. audio recorder sonregistrilo verbo audit revizii subst. auditor reviziisto subst. audio file sondosiero adj. audiographic sonbilda adj. audio-visual auxdvida adj. authentic auxtenta adj. authenticated auxtentigita subst. authentication auxtentokontrolo subst. authentication server auxtentiga servilo subst. authentication service auxtentiga servo subst. authentification auxtentokontrolo subst. authentification code auxtentoindiko adj. authored vertika subst. authoring tool verkilo subst. authorization rajto verbo authorize rajtigi adj. authorized rajtigita verbo auto-adjust auxtomate sinadapti verbo auto-complete auxtomate kompletigi verbo auto-correct auxtomate korekti subst. autodecrement memdekremento subst. autodetection auxtomata rekono subst. auto-dialer auxtomata numerumilo subst. autofit (selection) subst. autoflow auxtomata plufluo subst. auto-format auxtomate formati subst. autohide auxtomata malapero subst. autoincrement memalkremento adj. automatic auxtomata subst. automatic login auxtomata ensaluto subst. automatic reply auxtomata respondo subst. automatic update auxtomata gxisdatigo subst. automation auxtomatigo verbo automatize auxtomatigi adj. autonomous auxtonoma subst. autopilot auxtomata piloto subst. auto-play auxtomate ludi subst. autorecover info auxtomataj riparinformoj subst. autoresponder auxtomata respondilo subst. auto-respons auxtomata respondo subst. autorun auxtolancxo subst. autosave auxtokonservado subst. auto start auxtolancxo subst. AutoText auxtomata teksto subst. auto-throttle auxtomata trafik-limigo verbo autoverify memkontroli subst. autowrap auxtomata teksta cxirkauxfluo adj. auxxiliary necxefa subst. auxxiliary equipment necxefa ekipajxo subst. auxxiliary memory necxefa memoro adj. availability disponeblo adj. available disponebla subst. available disk space disponebla diskospaco subst. avatar avataro subst. award premio subst. axis akso subst. back panel subst. backbone spino subst. back-end interna subst. back-end interface interna interfaco subst. background fono subst. background color fona koloro subst. background process fona procezo subst. background processing fona regximo subst. background sound fona sono subst. background task fona tasko subst. backlight fona lumo subst. backlog atendanta memoro subst. back-office administrado subst. backorder subst. backslash malsuprenstreko subst. backspace retropasxo subst. backspace key retropasxa klavo subst. backtrace retrospurado subst. backup sekurkopio verbo backup fari sekurkopion adj. back-up restauxra subst. back-up copy restauxrkopio subst. back-up cycle restauxrciklo subst. back-up file restauxrdosiero subst. back-up store rezerva memoro subst. backward compatible retrokongrua subst. bad sector subst. badge insigno subst. balloon help sxpruchelpilo verbo ban (visitor from site) forbari subst. band bendo subst. bandwidth kapacito subst. bang (UNIX) subst. banner reklamrubando subst. bar breto subst. bar (stroke) streko subst. bar (planning software) bastono subst. bar chart bastona diagramo subst. bar code kodstrekaro subst. bar width bretolargxo subst. base bazo subst. base address bazadreso subst. base memory baza memoro subst. baseline bazlinio subst. basic signal baza signalo subst. bash Basxo subst. Basic Baziko subst. basket cxareto subst. batch file komandodosiero subst. batch processing stapla regximo subst. batch-printing stapla printado subst. battery baterio subst. battery charger bateria sxargxilo subst. battery life bateria vivdauxro subst. battery management bateria mastrumado subst. battery runtime subst. battery supply bateria nutr(ad)o subst. baud bauxdo subst. baudrate transmetrapido (en bauxdoj) subst. beamer projekciilo verbo beep pepi subst. beep pepo subst. bell pepo subst. benchmark program takstestilo subst. benchmarking takstestado adj. beta beta subst. beta release beta eldono subst. bevel bevelo verbo bevel beveli subst. bezel nigra rando subst. Bezier curve Bezier-kurbo subst. Bezier surface Bezier-surfaco subst. bias ekarto subst. bias error ekarteraro adj. bidirectional ambaǔdirekta adj. big-endian pezkomenca subst. bill fakturo verbo bill fakturi adj. binary duuma subst. binary code duuma kodo subst. binary file duuma dosiero subst. binary tree duuma arbo verbo bind bindi verbo bind to port asocii sin kun pordo subst. binder bindilo subst. binding bindajxo subst. binding expression bindajxa esprimo subst. binding margin binda margxeno mallon. BIOS BIOS adj. bistable dustabila subst. bit bito subst. bit map rastrumo subst. bit rate bitrapido subst. bit stream bitfluo subst. bit string bitcxeno subst. bitmap font rastruma tiparo subst. bitmap pattern rastruma motivo subst. bitmap scaling subst. BitTorrent samtavola dosierdivida protokolo adj. black and white nigra-blanka subst. black box nigra skatolo subst. black hat retpirato verbo blacklist listigi je nigra listo subst. blacklist nigra listo adj. blacklisted listigita je nigra listo verbo blank visxi subst. blank malplena subst. blank character spaceto subst. blank line malplena linio subst. blank screen malplena ekrano subst. blind copy (BCC) kasxita kopio (KK) verbo blink pulsi adj. blinking pulsa subst. blinking pulsado verbo block bloki verbo block (group) grupigi subst. block bloko subst. block diagram blokskemo subst. blocking factor grupadfaktoro verbo blog blogi subst. blog blogo subst. blog entry blogajxo subst. blogger bloganto subst. blower blovilo subst. blueprint adj. blurry malklara subst. blurry image malklara bildo subst. board tabulo subst. body (message) korpo adj. bold grasa subst. Bold (key) grasiga klavo adj. bolded grasita adj. boldface grasa tiparfasono subst. bookkeeping librotenado subst. booklet libreto subst. bookmark legosigno adj. boolean bulea subst. boolean expression bulea esprimo subst. boolean value bulea valoro subst. boost plirapidigo verbo boot prasxargxi subst. boot disk prasxargxa disko subst. boot loader prasxargilo subst. boot manager prasxargxa administrilo subst. boot record prasxargxa rikordo subst. bootstrap prasxargxo verbo bootstrap prasxargi subst. border bordero subst. bottleneck sxtopigxo subst. bottom malsupro subst. bottom line esenco adj. bottom-to-top malsupre-supren subst. bottom-up development desuba konstruado subst. bottom-up parsing desuba analizo verbo bounce resalti subst. bounce keys prokrastaj klavoj subst. bounced mail reveninta retposxto subst. boundary limo subst. bounding box subst. brace kuniga krampo subst. bracket ronda krampo subst. branch brancxo subst. brand marko subst. break (key) haltiga klavo subst. break (pause) pauxzo subst. break (page) pagxosalto subst. breakdown disigo subst. breakpoint pauxzpunkto subst. breakpoint halt pauxzpunkta halto subst. breakpoint instruction pauxzpunkta instrukcio subst. breve hoketo subst. bridge subst. brightness brileco verbo bring forward porti antauxen verbo bring to front porti malfonen adj. broadband largxkapacita subst. broadband internet access largxkapacita interreta konekto subst. broadcast verbo broadcast elsendi subst. broken line interrompita linio subst. broken link nefunkcianta ligilo verbo browse (for file) foliumi verbo browse (internet) retumi subst. browser (files) dosieresplorilo subst. browser (internet) foliumilo subst. brush peniko subst. brute force attack kruda atako subst. B-spline B-splajno subst. bubble veziko subst. buddy list subst. buffer bufro subst. buffer overflow bufra troo subst. buffer store bufra memoro subst. buffer underrun bufra maltroo subst. bug cimo subst. bug fix cimoriparo subst. bug report cimraporto adj. buggy cima verbo build kunmeti subst. build kunmetajxo adj. built-in integrita adj. bulk amasa subst. bulk mailing amasa posxtodissendo subst. bulk storage amasa memoro subst. bullet bulo subst. bullet symbol bulsimbolo subst. bulletin board system afisxejo subst. bullets and numbering subst. bundle fasko verbo burn (CD or DVD) registri subst. bus buso subst. business komerco subst. business data komercaj datumoj subst. business intelligence subst. business letter komerca letero subst. business logic komerca logiko subst. business model komerca modelo subst. business to business interkomerca subst. business to consumer alklienta subst. busy tone okupita tono subst. buttlets and numbering buloj kaj numeradoj subst. button butono subst. button bar butonbreto verbo bypass subst. byte bajto subst. cabinet file subst. cable kablo subst. cache kasxmemoro subst. cache directory kasxememora dosierujo subst. caching kasxmemorigo adj. cached kasxmemorita mallon. CAD komputilizita projektado mallon. CAI komputilizita instruado verbo calculate kalkuli subst. calculator kalkulilo subst. calendar kalendaro verbo calibrate kalibri subst. calibration kalibro subst. call voko verbo call voki subst. call center subst. call instruction vokinstrukcio subst. call number voknumero subst. calling sequence voksekvenco subst. callout klarigilo mallon. CAM komputilizita fabrikado subst. camera observadopunkto subst. camera position observadopunkta pozicio verbo cancel (resign) rezigni subst. cancel character nuliga signo verbo cannot ne eblas subst. capability kapablo subst. capacity kapacito subst. capital letter majusklo subst. capitilization error majuskligeraro subst. caps lock majuskla baskulo subst. caption apudskribo subst. caption text teksto de la apudskribo verbo capture kapti subst. carbon copy kopio de mesagxo subst. card karto subst. card reader kartlegilo subst. card slot kartingo subst. carourrel storage karusela memoro subst. carriage cxareto subst. carriage return cxaretreveno subst. carrier portanto subst. cart (e-commerce) cxareto subst. cartridge kartocxo adj. cascade (arrange) parte sinkovri adj. cascaded parte sinkovranta subst. cascading stylesheet lauxtema stilfolio subst. cascading windows parte sinkovrantaj fenestroj subst. case (upper/lower) uskleco subst. case (Shift/Alt) registrumo subst. case (hardware) komputilujo subst. case (typography) uskleco subst. case insensitive usklecoblinda subst. case match uskleca kongruo adj. case sensitive usklecodistinga subst. case sensitivity usklecodisting(ec)o subst. case study kazstudo subst. cassette kasedo verbo cast elsendi subst. catalog(ue) katalogo verbo catenate krocxi subst. catenation krocxado subst. cathode ray tube mallon. CD k-disko subst. CD label k-diska etikedo subst. CD mastering subst. CD player k-diska legilo subst. CD rewritable visxebla k-disko subst. CD ROM k-disko subst. CD ROM drive lumdiska legilo subst. CD writer k-diska registrilo subst. CD-R registrebla k-disko subst. CD-RW re-registrebla k-disko subst. cedilla cedilo subst. cell cxelo subst. cell attributes cxelatributoj subst. cell content cxelenhavo adj. cell-powered cxelenergia verbo censor cenzuri verbo censorship cenzurado verbo center centrigi subst. center of excellence sciocentro subst. central processing unit (CPU) centra aparato subst. central processor cxefprocesoro subst. certificate atestilo subst. certificate database atestila datumbazo subst. certification atestado adj. certified atestita verbo certify atesti subst. chain cxeno subst. chain letter cxenletero subst. chain printer cxenprintilo verbo chamfer subst. change management sxangxomastrumado subst. changelog sxangxoprotokolo subst. channel kanalo subst. chapter cxapitro subst. character signo subst. character code signokodo subst. character encoding signara enkodigo subst. character encoding scheme kodoprezento subst. character generator kodogenerilo subst. character map signosuperrigardo subst. character set signaro adj. character spacing interspaco subst. character string signocxeno subst. character style signostilo subst. character subset subsignaro subst. charcoal sketch karbokrajona skizo verbo charge sxargxi subst. charger sxargxilo subst. charging time tempo de sxargxado subst. chart skemo subst. chart data skemdatumoj subst. chassis muntokadro verbo chat retbabili subst. chat box retbabilejo subst. chat room retbabilejo subst. cheat codes trompkodoj verbo check (button) sxalti verbo check (general) kontroli subst. check bit kontrolobito subst. check box markobutono subst. check digit kontrolcifero verbo check in (SVN) enmeti subst. check list markolisto verbo check mail kontroli retposxton subst. check mark kontrolmarko verbo check out (SVN) elpreni verbo check spelling kontroli literumadon subst. checkbot kontrolroboto adj. checkered sxaktabula subst. checksum kontrolsumo subst. chevron cxevrono subst. child ido subst. child page ida pagxo subst. child process ida procezo subst. chip blato subst. chip set blataro subst. chip socket icingo subst. choice elekto subst. choice button markobutono subst. choked (torrent) nesenda stato verbo choose elekti subst. chunk (torrent) peco subst. circuit cirkvito subst. circular reference cirkla referenco subst. circumflex cxapelo subst. class klaso adj. classic klasika verbo classify kategoriigi subst. classification kategoriado verbo clean install verbo clean up senrubigi verbo clear vakigi verbo clear cache vakigi kasxmemoron verbo click alklaki verbo click (mouse) klaki verbo click through traklaki adj. clickable alklakebla subst. clickable image klakbildo subst. clickable image map disreferenca bildo subst. click-through traklako subst. click-through rate ofteco de traklakado subst. client (computer) kliento subst. client (customer) kliento subst. client number klientonumero subst. client server architecture klienta-servila arkitekturo adj. client-side klientflanka verbo clip eltondi subst. clip eltondajxo subst. clip-art bildet(ar)o subst. clipboard tondejo subst. clipping plane tonda ebeno subst. clock speed adj. clockwise dekstrume subst. clone klono verbo close (file) fermi (dosieron) verbo close (connection) malkonekti subst. close button fermobutono subst. closed circuit system fermita sistemo adj. closed source (program) fermitkoda subst. cluster sektoraro mallon. CMOS adj. coaxial samaksa subst. coax cable samaksa kablo subst. code kodo verbo code kodi subst. code element kodono subst. code generator kodogenerilo subst. code page kodpagxo mallon. codec kodeko subst. coded character set kodita signaro subst. coherence mode subst. cold reboot malvarma resxargxo verbo collaborate kunlabori subst. collaborative computing kunlabora komputado subst. collaborative development komuna projektado subst. collaborative system kunlabora sistemo verbo collapse maletendi adj. collapsed maletendita verbo collate kunfandi subst. collating sequence verbo collect kolekti subst. collect and return support subst. colocation centre subst. colon dupunkto subst. color bar kolorbreto subst. color depth kolorozo subst. color display kolora ekrano subst. color gamut kolorgamo subst. color management system kolor-mastruma sistemo subst. color palette kolorpaletro subst. color range kolorvasteco subst. color scheme kolorskemo subst. color separation kolorapartigo subst. color set koloraro subst. color temperature kolortemperaturo subst. column kolumno subst. column break kolumnosalto subst. column heading kolumnotitolo subst. column row kolumnovico subst. column size kolumnogrando subst. column split kolumnopartigo subst. column width kolumnolargxo subst. combination kombinajxo subst. combo box fallisto adj. comma-separated perkome disigita subst. comma-separated file koma dosiero subst. comma-separated values perkome disigitaj valoroj subst. command komando subst. command area komandoareo subst. command file komanda dosiero subst. command key komanda klavo subst. command line komanda linio subst. command line interface komandlinia interfaco subst. command line parameter komandlinia parametro subst. command prompt invito adj. command-driven komandodirektata subst. comment komento verbo comment komenti subst. comment line komenta linio verbo comment out forkomenti subst. commercial at po-signo subst. commercial software komercajxo verbo commercialization surmerkatigo verbo commercialize surmerkatigi verbo commit enmeti subst. commodity cxiesajxo adj. common kutima subst. communication protocol ret-komunika protokolo subst. community komunumo adj. community-based subst. community area komunuma areo subst. community technology preview subst. commutator komutilo adj. compact kompakta verbo compact kompaktigi subst. compact disc kompaktdisko subst. compact disc read only memory nurlega KD subst. compaction kompaktigo verbo compare kompari subst. comparator komparilo subst. comparison komparo subst. compatibility kongrueco adj. compatible kongrua verbo compensate kompensi subst. compensation kompenso verbo compile kompili subst. compiler kompililo subst. compile time kompildauxro verbo complement komplementi adj. complementary kompletiga subst. completion (as you type) kompletigo subst. completion (task) plenumigo adj. complex kompleksa subst. complexity komplekseco subst. compliance konformigxo adj. compliant konformema adj. complimentary kroma verbo comply with konformigxi al subst. component komponanto verbo compose krei adj. composite kunmetita verbo compound kunmeti adj. compound kunmetita verbo compress densigi subst. compression densigo subst. compression mode densigregximo subst. compression ratio densiga proporcio subst. compression tool densigilo verbo compute komputi subst. compute mode komputa regximo subst. computer komputilo subst. computer architecture komputila arkitekturo subst. computer assisted learning komputilizita instruado subst. computer case komputilujo subst. computer center komputilejo subst. computer crime komputila krimo subst. computer fraude komputila frauxdo subst. computer graphics komputila grafiko subst. computer illiterate user komputila laiko subst. computer literacy sperteco pri komputiloj subst. computer network komputila reto subst. computer program komputila programo subst. computer science komputiko subst. computer security komputila sekurigo subst. computer system komputa sistemo subst. computer to plate adj. computer-aided komputilizita subst. computer-aided design perkomputila fasonado subst. computer-aided documentation subst. computer-aided engineering subst. computer-aided learning komputilizita instruado subst. computer-aided manufacturing komputilizita fabrikado subst. computer-aided process planning subst. computer-aided software engineering komputilizita programaringxenierado subst. computer-aided translation komputilizita tradukado verbo computerize komputilizi subst. computing komputado subst. computing power komputila povo subst. computing science komputiko verbo concatenate kunmeti subst. concatenation kunmeto subst. concentrator koncentrilo subst. conceptual design koncepta fasonado subst. concurrency kunrulo subst. concurrent process kunrula procezo subst. concurrent user sammomenta uzanto subst. condition kondicxo subst. condition (status) stato adj. conditional kondicxa subst. conditional formatting kondicxa formatado subst. conditional statement brancxa ordono subst. cone konuso subst. conference (online) reta konferenco subst. conference call konferenca alvoko subst. configuration agordo subst. configuration file agorda dosiero subst. configurator agordilo verbo configure agordi verbo confirm konfirmi subst. confirmation konfirmo subst. conflict konflikto adj. conflicting konflikta subst. conformance test kongruotesto subst. congestion obstrukcio subst. congestion control obstrukci-rego adj. congruent kongrua subst. conjunction auxo verbo connect konekti subst. connection konekto subst. connector konektilo adj. consecutive sinsekva subst. consistency kohereco subst. consistency check kohereckontrolo adj. consistent kohera subst. console konzolo verbo consolidate kunfandi subst. consolidation kunfandigxo subst. constant konstanto adj. constant dauxra verbo constrain proportions konservi proporciojn subst. constraint limigo verbo consult konsili subst. consultant konsilanto subst. consumable resource konsumajxo subst. container object subst. contact kontakto subst. contact center kontaktejo subst. contect manager kontaktadministrilo verbo contain enhavi subst. container ujo subst. content enhavo subst. content authoring enhavoverkado subst. content browser enhava foliumilo subst. content delivery provizado de enhavo por retejo subst. content filter subst. content hosting gastigo de reteja enhavo subst. content management enhava mastrumado subst. content management system enhav-mastruma sistemo subst. content manager enhava mastrumanto subst. content provider provizanto de enhavo subst. content ranking enhava rango subst. content search enhavsercxo subst. context kunteksto subst. context help kunteksta helpo subst. context menu verbo context-click klaki dekstre adj. context-sensitive enhavdependa subst. context-sensitive help enhavdependa helpo subst. contextual search enhavdependa sercxo adj. contiguous apuda adj. contingency subst. contingency factor subst. continuation character dauxriga signo subst. continuation line dauxriga linio verbo continue dauxrigi subst. continuous computing seninterrompa komputado subst. continuous feed seninterrompa paperprovizo subst. continuous forms cxenformularo subst. contour konturo subst. contrast kontrasto adj. contrasting kontrasta subst. control regilo verbo control regi subst. control bit stirbito subst. control center stircentro subst. control character stirsigno subst. control data stirdatumoj subst. control field stirkampo subst. control key stirklavo subst. control panel stirpanelo subst. control program stirprogramo subst. control signal stirsignalo adj. controlled regita subst. controller regilo subst. convention interkonsento subst. convergence adj. conventional kutima adj. conversational dialoga subst. conversion konverto subst. conversion rate konvertrapido subst. conversion table konverta tabelo verbo convert (data) konverti (datumojn) subst. converter konvertilo subst. cookbook manlibro subst. cookie kuketo subst. cooler malvarmigilo subst. cooling fan malvarmigilo subst. cooperative multitasking subst. coordinate koordinato subst. coordinate axis koordinata akso subst. coordinate system koordinata sistemo subst. copier kopiilo subst. co-processor kromprocesoro verbo copy kopii verbo copy and paste kopii kaj alglui subst. copy program programara kopiilo subst. copy protection kontrauxkopia protekto subst. copy-editing prespretigo subst. copyholder papertenilo subst. copyleft kopilaso adj. copy-protected protektita kontraux kopiado subst. copyright kopirajto subst. copyright law kopirajta legxo subst. cord drato adj. cordless sendrata subst. core kerno subst. core business subst. core dump nekropsio subst. core file kerna dosiero subst. core level kerna nivelo adj. correct gxusta subst. corrective maintenance ripara funkciteno verbo correspond (to) korespondi (kun) subst. cost per click kosto po alklako adj. cost-cutting kost-evitiga verbo count nombri subst. countable set nombrebla aro subst. counter (computer) nombrilo subst. counter (administration) gicxeto adj. counter-clockwise maldekstrume verbo countercheck kontrauxkontroli subst. counterfeiting subst. counting nombrado subst. country code landkodo verbo couple kupli subst. cpu cxefprocesoro adj. cpu-intensive subst. crack kodrompilo subst. cracker kodrompisto subst. cradle (docking station) subst. craplet subst. crash kolapso verbo crash (computer) kolapsi verbo crash (network) panei subst. crash handler kolapsa traktilo verbo create krei subst. creation date kredato subst. creative commons krea komunajxo subst. credentials akreditajxoj subst. credibility check versxajnkontrolo subst. credit agnosko subst. critical path kritika vojo subst. critical resource kritika risurco mallon. CRM verbo crop stuci subst. crop adj. cross platform plursistema subst. cross-cable subst. cross-checking kruckontrolo subst. cross-link interna ligilo subst. crossmedia plurmediuma subst. crossover cable verbo crosspost disafisxi subst. cross-reference krucreferenco subst. cross-reference table krucreferenca tabelo mallon. Ctrl key stirklavo subst. cube kubo subst. cubic spline kuba splajno adj. cumulative akumula subst. currency symbol valuta simbolo adj. current aktuala subst. current directory aktuala dosierujo subst. current version aktuala versio adj. currently momente subst. cursor kursoro subst. cursor key movigxoklavo subst. curve kurbo adj. custom propra adj. custom built tajlorita subst. custom content propra enhavo subst. custom dictionary propra vortaro subst. custom fonts propraj tiparoj subst. custom software lauxmenda program(ar)o subst. customer care klientservo subst. customer relationship management klientserva mastrumado adj. customizable tajlorebla verbo customize tajlori verbo cut eltondi verbo cut and paste eltondi kaj alglui verbo cut off trunki verbo cut out forigi subst. cut-over period transira periodo subst. cybernetics kibernetiko subst. cyberspace retlando subst. cycle ciklo subst. cycle master cikla mastro subst. cycle shift cikla sxovo subst. cylinder cilindro subst. daily digest taga mesagxaro subst. dash streketo subst. data datumoj subst. data acquisition datumakiro subst. data bus datumbuso subst. data capture device datumakirilo subst. data carrier datumportilo subst. data center datumejo subst. data compression datumkompaktigo subst. data consistency datumkohero subst. data converter datumkonvertilo subst. data entry enigo de datumoj subst. data flow datumfluo subst. data fork (Mac) datumforko subst. data level datumnivelo subst. data logging protokolado de datumoj subst. data loss perdo de datumoj subst. data maintenance datuma prizorgado subst. data management datumomastrumado subst. data medium datumportilo subst. data migration struktura transmet(ad)o de datumoj subst. data mining datumanalizado subst. data pane datuma fenestro subst. data processing datumtraktado subst. data processor datumtraktilo subst. data protection datumprotekto subst. data range datuma intervalo subst. data recording datumregistrado subst. data recovery datumrestauxro subst. data reduction datumredukto subst. data retention dauxro de datumkonservado subst. data set datumaro subst. data source datumfonto subst. data sources view vido de datumfontoj subst. data storage enmemorigo de datumoj subst. data storage device enmemorigilo de datumoj subst. data structure datumstrukturo subst. data traffic datumtrafiko subst. data transmission datumtransmeto subst. data transport transporto de datumoj subst. data type datumtipo subst. data validation datumkontrolo subst. data volume datumportilo subst. data warehouse datumstokejo subst. databank datumbanko subst. database datumbazo subst. database cluster datumsektoraro adj. database driven datumbazostirita subst. database management system datumbaz-manipulilo subst. datagram datagramo subst. date stamp datstampo subst. DDE dinamika datumintersxangxo subst. de facto stardard normo subst. dead key senpasxa klavo subst. dead pixel subst. deadline limdato subst. deadlock interatendo subst. dealer agento verbo deallocate malokupi verbo deblock malbloki verbo debug sencimigi subst. debugger erarsercxilo subst. debugging sencimigo adj. decentralized malcentra adj. decimal dekuma subst. decimal notation dekuma nombrosistemo subst. decimal number dekuma frakcio verbo decimalize dekumigi verbo decipher malcxifri subst. decision table decidtabelo subst. declaration deklaro subst. declarative language deklarema lingvo verbo decode malkodi subst. decoder malkodilo subst. decoding malkodado verbo decollate plurfolidisigi subst. decompilation retrotraduko verbo decompress malkompaktigi verbo decrease malkreski adj. decreasing malkreska subst. deceasing order malkreska ordo verbo decrement dekrementi subst. decrementation dekrementado verbo decrypt malcxifri subst. decrypter malcxifrilo adj. dedicated dedicxita subst. dedicated line dedicxita konekto adj. dedicated server dedicxita servilo verbo deduce dedukti subst. deduction dedukto subst. deep link rekta ligilo adj. default defauxlta subst. default defauxlto subst. default color defauxlta koloro subst. default resource defauxlta risurco subst. deferred addressing nerekta adresado verbo define difini subst. definition difino verbo defuzzify sensvagigi subst. degree grado verbo deinstall malinstali subst. delay prokrasto verbo deleave plurfolidisigi subst. deleaver plurfolidisigilo verbo delete forigi subst. delete button foriga klavo subst. deletion forigo verbo delimit disigi subst. delimiter disigilo verbo delink subst. delinking subst. delivery livero verbo delurk verbo demagnetize malmagnetigi subst. demand postulo subst. demilitarized zone subst. demo version provversio verbo demodulate malmoduli subst. demodulator malmodulilo verbo demote (level) unu nivelon malsupren subst. demultiplex malkunigilo subst. denial-of-service subst. denotation indiko subst. density denso subst. dependency dependajxoj subst. dependency diagram dependa diagramo subst. dependent dependajxo adj. dependent dependa subst. dependent variable dependa variablo verbo deploy malpaki adj. deprecated evitinda verbo depress premi subst. depth profundeco subst. derivative action derivago subst. derivative regulation deriva reguligo verbo derive derivi subst. descendant posteulo adj. descending malkreskante subst. descending order malkreska ordo subst. descending sort malkreska ordigo verbo descent malsupreniri subst. description priskribo adj. descriptive priskriba verbo deselect malselekti subst. design fasonado verbo design fasoni subst. design mode on/off fasonoregximo ek/for subst. design phase fasona fazo subst. design software fasona programaro subst. design tool fasonilo subst. design view fasona vido verbo designate indiki subst. designer fasonisto subst. desktop komputila labortablo subst. desktop computer surtabla komputilo subst. desktop environment labortabla cxirkauxajxo subst. desktop publishing (per)komputila eldonado subst. desktop version labortabla versio subst. destination field celkampo subst. destination file celdosiero adj. detachable malligebla verbo detect detekti subst. deterrent fortimigilo verbo develop programi subst. developer programisto subst. developer release porprogramista eldono subst. development programado subst. development environment programada medio subst. development toolkit programada ilaro subst. deviation devio subst. device aparato subst. device adapter adaptilo subst. device address aparata adreso subst. device allocation aparat-atribuo subst. device controller aparata regilo subst. device driver aparata pelilo subst. device I/O error eraro de en/eliga aparato subst. device name aparatnomo subst. device status aparatstato subst. diacritical mark diakrita signo subst. diagnostics diagnozo subst. diagram skemo verbo dial numerumi subst. dial up adapter telefona konektilo subst. dialer ciferilo subst. dialog dialogo subst. dialog box dialogujo subst. dialog manager subst. dial-up account konekto per komutebla linio subst. digest mesagxaro subst. digest mode mesagxara regximo subst. digit cifero adj. digital cifereca subst. digital camera cifereca fotilo subst. digital cash bitmonero subst. digital recording cifereca rekordado subst. digital signature cifereca subskribo subst. digital versatile disk (PC) DVD subst. digital versatile disk (TV) viddisko verbo digitize ciferecigi subst. digitizer ciferecigilo subst. dimension dimensio subst. dingbat vinjeto subst. diode diodo subst. direct access senvica atingo subst. direct addressing senvica adresado subst. direct cable connection perkabla konekto subst. direct memory access rekta memoraliro adj. directed orientita subst. direction direkto subst. directory dosierujo subst. directory (list) katalogo subst. directory (section) dosierujo verbo disable (login) malvalidigi adj. disabled malvalidigita verbo disassemble retrotraduki verbo disassembly retrotraduko verbo discard ne konservi subst. disclaimer malgarantio verbo disconnect malkonekti adj. disconnected nekonektita verbo discontinue ne dauxrigi subst. discrepancy malakordo subst. discussion board diskuttabulo subst. disjunction disjunkcio subst. disk disko subst. disk array subst. disk array controller subst. disk drive diskingo subst. disk error diskeraro subst. disk mirroring diska spegulado subst. disk quota diska kvoto subst. disk space diskospaco subst. disk spanning subst. disk storage konservado subst. disk tray diskpleto subst. disk unit diskturnilo subst. diskette disketo subst. disk-labeling system disk-etikeda sistemo adj. disordered senorda verbo dispatch disdoni subst. dispatcher disdonilo subst. display ekrano verbo display vidigi subst. display area vidiga areo subst. display position bildloko verbo distort distordi subst. distance distanco verbo distribute distribui subst. distributed data base disa datumbazo subst. distributed file system disa dosiersistemo subst. distributed processing disa kunlaboro subst. distributed system disa komputilsistemo subst. distribution distribuo subst. distribution function distribua funkcio subst. distribution list dissendolisto subst. dithering punktismo verbo divide dividi subst. DLL dinamike bindebla biblioteko mallon. DMZ mallon. DNS domajna nomsistemo subst. DNS server nomservilo verbo dock endokigi subst. dock (Mac OS X) doko subst. docking cradle doketo subst. docking station doko subst. document dokumento subst. document management dokumentomastrumado subst. document reader dokumentlegilo subst. document tree dokumenta arbo subst. documentation dokumentado subst. domain (internet) retregiono subst. domain name retregiona nomo subst. domain name system retregiona nomsistemo subst. domain registration retregiona registrado subst. domain reseller (websites) retregiona pluvendisto subst. dongle aparatara programprotektilo subst. DoS attack subst. dot punkto subst. dot matrix rastruma signobildo subst. dot matrix printer nadlara printilo subst. dotcom interreta firmao subst. dots per inch punktoj en colo subst. double click duobla klako subst. double dual dudualo verbo double-click duoble alklaki subst. double-layer (DVD) dutavola adj. double-sided duflanka subst. doublet bitduo subst. down time periodo de nefunkciado verbo downgrade malpromocii subst. downgrade malpromocia eldono verbo download elsxuti subst. download elsxutajxo subst. download link elsxutoligilo subst. download manager elsxuta administrilo subst. download speed rapideco de elsxutado subst. downloadable elsxutebla subst. downloadable font elsxutebla tiparo verbo downsample subst. downsampling subst. downshifting minuskligo subst. downstream adj. downward compatible kongrua malplien subst. draft malneto subst. draft folder malnetujo verbo drag (mouse) treni verbo drag and drop sxovi kaj demeti subst. drag mode sxovregximo verbo draw desegni subst. draw program desegnilo subst. drawing character grafika signo subst. drawing underlay subst. drive diskingo subst. drive letter diskingolitero subst. driver pelilo verbo drop demeti subst. drop capital cxeflitero subst. drop in infalo subst. drop out elfalo subst. drop shadow subst. drop-down box falmenuo subst. drop-down list fallisto subst. drop-down menu falmenuo subst. droplet guteto subst. dual boot komuta prasxargilo subst. dual core processor procesoro kun duobla kerno adj. dual layer duobla tavolo subst. dual processor duobla procesoro subst. due date limdato adj. dummy lokokupa subst. dummy code lokokupa kodo subst. dummy text lokokupa teksto subst. dummy variable lokokupa variablo subst. dump nekropsio verbo dump (data) sxuti subst. dump level nivelo de nekropsio subst. duplex ambauxdirekta subst. duplex printer ambauxdirekta printilo verbo duplicate duobligi subst. duplication duobligo adj. durable fortika subst. durability fortikeco subst. duration dauxro subst. DVD (PC) DVD subst. DVD (TV) viddisko subst. DVD player DVD-spektilo adj. dynamic dinamika subst. dynamic allocation dinamika memordisponigo subst. dynamic area dinamika memorareo subst. dynamic array dinamika tabelo subst. Dynamic Data Exchange dinamika datumintersxangxo subst. Dynamic Link Library dinamike bindebla biblioteko subst. dynamic memory dinamika memoro subst. dynamic web page dinamika retpagxo subst. dynamics dinamiko subst. ear bud orelauxskultilo subst. early adopter frua ekuzanto adj. ease-of-use facileco de uzado adj. easy-to-use facile uzebla subst. e-banking retbankumado subst. e-book retlibro subst. e-book website retlibrejo subst. e-business retkomerco subst. echo ehxo subst. echo check perehxa kontrolo subst. e-commerce retkomerco subst. edge egxo verbo edit redakti subst. edit counter (Wikipedia) nombrilo de redaktado subst. edit mode redakta regximo subst. editing postredaktado subst. editing character redakta signo subst. editing time dauxro de redaktado subst. edition eldono subst. editor (person) redaktanto subst. editor (program) redaktilo subst. edutainment amuzedukado subst. effect efekto subst. effective address fakta adreso subst. efficiency efikeco subst. efficient efika subst. e-government reta administrado subst. eight bit byte bitoko verbo eject eljxeti subst. elapsed time pasinta tempo subst. e-learning retlernado adj. electronic elektronika subst. electronic mail retposxto verbo eliminate forigi subst. ellipse elipso subst. ellipse tool elipsilo subst. Emacs Emakso verbo e-mail retposxti subst. e-mail (general) retposxto subst. e-mail (message) retmesagxo subst. e-mail address retposxtadreso subst. e-mail client retposxtilo subst. e-mail-scam retposxta trompo verbo embed enkorpigi subst. embedded application enkorpigita aplikajxo subst. embedded browser enkorpigita retumilo subst. embedded camera enkorpigita filmilo adj. embedded object enkorpigita objekto adj. emboss (font effect) reliefigo subst. emitter sendinto subst. emoticon miensimbolo subst. emphasis emfazo verbo empty malplenigi adj. empty malplena subst. empty set malplena aro subst. empty statement vakua ordono verbo emulate imiti subst. emulation imitado subst. emulator imitilo verbo enable sxalti adj. enabled sxaltita subst. encaptulation verbo encipher cxifri subst. enclosure kunsendajxo verbo encode cxifri subst. encoder kodilo subst. encoding kodoprezento subst. encoding type kodoprezenta tipo verbo encounter verbo encrypt cxifri subst. encrypted key cxifrosxlosilo subst. encryption cxifrado subst. encryption key cxifrosxlosilo subst. end mark finmarko subst. end of file dosierfino subst. end of line linifino subst. end of transmission character transsendfina signo subst. end quote fina citilo subst. end tag fina etikedo subst. end user uzanto adj. endless senfina subst. endless loop senfina iteracio subst. end of program programfino subst. end-of-file marker dosierfina marko subst. end-of-line marker linifina marko subst. end-of-tape marker bendfina marko subst. energy-saving feature energisxpara funkcio adj. engrave (font effect) sinkigita verbo enhance plibonigi subst. enhancement plibonigo verbo enlarge pligrandigi subst. enlargement pligrandigo verbo enqueue envicigi subst. enquiry informmendo verbo enter (group) eniri verbo enter (password) entajpi verbo enter (password) enigi subst. enter key eniga klavo adj. entire integra subst. entity relationship diagram enta-rilata diagramo subst. entry (data input) enigo subst. entry (element) elemento subst. entry data enigaj datumojn subst. entry form eniga formularo subst. entry point enirejo subst. entry required elemento bezonata subst. entry text eniga teksto subst. envelope koverto subst. environment medio subst. environment variable medivariablo subst. EPROM visxebla programebla nurlega memoro subst. equipment ekipajxo subst. equivalence ekvivalento subst. equivalence class ekvivalentoklaso subst. equivalence relation ekvivalentorilato subst. equivalent ekvivalento adj. erasable visxebla subst. erasable optical disc visxebla lumdisko subst. erasable paper visxebla papero subst. erasable programmable read-only memory visxebla programebla nurlega memoro subst. erasable store visxebla memoro verbo erase visxi subst. erase character visxsigno subst. erase head visxkapo subst. erasure visxo subst. ergonomics ergonomio subst. error eraro subst. error alert erarpepo subst. error checking code erarkontrola kodo subst. error diffusion subst. error handling erartraktado subst. error indicator erarindikilo subst. error message erarmesagxo subst. error report tool prierara raportilo verbo escape nuligi (ordonon) subst. escape character kodsxangxa signo subst. escape key eskapa klavo subst. e-shop retbutiko subst. Esperanto localization Esperantigo verbo establish (connection) establi subst. Ethernet eterreto subst. Euro converter euxrokonvertilo subst. evaluate taksi subst. evaluation taksado subst. evaluation guide taksa manlibro subst. evaluator taksilo adj. even pareca subst. evenparity check pareca kontrolo subst. event evento adj. exact ekzakta verbo examine testi subst. example ekzemplo verbo exceed (mailbox quota) subst. exception escepto subst. exception handling esceptotraktado subst. exception report esceptoraporto verbo exchange intersxangxi adj. exchangeable intersxangxebla verbo exclude ekskluzivi subst. exclusion ekskluzivo subst. exclusive disjunction ekskluziva disjunkcio subst. exdeption handling traktado de esceptoj adj. executable plenumebla subst. executable file plenumebla dosiero subst. executable statement plenumebla instrukcio verbo execute plenumi subst. execute phase plenuma fazo subst. execution plenumo subst. execution environment medio subst. execution time tempo de plenumo subst. exhaustive search elcxerpa sercxo verbo exit eliri subst. exit elirejo subst. Exit (key) elira klavo verbo expand (hardware) kompletigi verbo expand (selection) etendi adj. expanded (selection) etendita subst. expansion card kompletiga karto subst. expansion slot kompletiga fendo subst. expert system konsililo subst. expiration date limdato verbo expire senvalidigxi subst. explanation klarigo verbo exploit misuzi subst. exploit misuzo subst. explorer (dosiera) foliumilo subst. exponent eksponento adj. exponential eksponenciala verbo export eksporti subst. export eksporto subst. expression esprimo subst. expression of requirements postulspecifo subst. extend etendi adj. extended (selection) etendita subst. extended addressing etendita adresado subst. extended keyboard etendita klavaro subst. extended memory etendita memoro subst. extended partition kromsubdisko subst. extensibility etendeblo adj. extensible etendebla subst. Extensible Hypertext Markup Language Etendebla Hiperteksta Marklingvo subst. Extensible Markup Language Etendebla Marklingvo subst. Extensible Stylesheet Language Etendebla Stilfolia Lingvo subst. extension (computer) finajxo subst. extension (software) kromprogramo subst. extension (tel) kromnumero subst. extension card komputila karto adj. external ekstera subst. external command ekstera komando subst. external drive ekstera disko subst. external memory ekstera memoro subst. external sort ekstera ordigo subst. external storage ekstera memoro verbo extract eltiri subst. extranet eksterreto subst. extras kromajxoj subst. extrusion elpremado subst. eyeball subst. eyedropper gutigilo subst. e-zine retrevuo subst. face-to-face communication rekta komunikado verbo facilitate ebligi subst. factor faktoro verbo fade dissolvi verbo fade in maldissolvi verbo fade out fordissolvi verbo fail fiaski adj. failsafe panetolera adj. failproof senpanea subst. failure paneo adj. false malvera subst. fan (cooler) procesora malvarmigilo adj. fanfold zigzaga adj. fanless sen malvarmigilo mallon. FAQ oftaj demandoj mallon. FAT dosiersitutabelo subst. fat client subst. fatal error neriparebla eraro subst. fault misfunkcio subst. fault tolerance misfunkcia tolero adj. faulty misa subst. favorite (Internet Explorer) legosigno verbo fax faksi subst. fax (device) faksilo subst. fax (letter) fakso subst. feasibility fareblo subst. feasibility study studo pri fareblo subst. feather verbo feather stompi subst. feature eblo subst. feature list listo de eblecoj subst. feedback rimarkoj subst. feed reader informfonta legilo verbo fetch venigi subst. fiberglass vitrofibro subst. field kampo subst. field mapping mallon. FIFO rektvica memoro verbo file enarkivigi subst. file dosiero subst. file allocation table dosiersitutabelo subst. file browser dosieresplorilo subst. file change log protokolo de dosiersxangxoj subst. file conversion dosierkonverto subst. file dialog dosierdialogo subst. file directory dosierujo subst. file extension dosiernoma finajxo subst. file format dosierformato subst. file handle dosiernumero subst. file handling dosiertraktado subst. file maintenance dosierflegado subst. file management dosieradministrado subst. file manager dosieradministrilo subst. file name dosiernomo subst. file protection dosiersekurigo subst. file recovery riparado de dosiero subst. file server dosiera servilo subst. file sharing dosiera opuz(ig)o subst. file size dosiergrando subst. file structure dosierstrukturo subst. file system dosiersistemo subst. file transfer dosiertransigo subst. file transfer protocol dosiertransiga protokolo subst. file transfer time rapideco de dosiera transdono subst. file translation dosiertraduko subst. file type dosiertipo subst. file updating gxisdatigo de dosiero subst. filesharer haviganto de dosieroj verbo fill plenigi subst. fill character pleniga signo subst. fill color pleniga koloro verbo fill down plenigi malsupren subst. fill layer pleniga tavolo subst. file management dosieradministrado subst. fill mode pleniga regximo verbo fill up plenigi supren subst. filter filtrilo verbo filter filtri subst. filter bar filtrila breto subst. final release fina eldono subst. finance manager financadministrilo verbo find sercxi verbo find next plusercxi adj. fine dashed malgrasaj streketoj adj. fine dotted malgrasaj punktoj verbo fine tune fajnigi verbo finish fini subst. Firefox Fajrovulpo subst. firewall fajrosxirmilo subst. firewire subst. firmware mikroprogramaro subst. firmware upgrade mikroprogramara gxisdatigo verbo fit to frame adapti al kadro verbo fit to size adapti laux grando verbo fit to window adapti al fenestro subst. fix flikajxo adj. fixed fiksita subst. fixed content fiksita enhavo subst. fixed disk fiksita disko subst. fixed height fiksita alto subst. fixed position fiksita pozicio adj. fixed-length fikslonga adj. fixed-point fikspunkta adj. fixed-width fiksita largxo verbo flag aldoni flagon subst. flag flago subst. flagship product cxefa produkto verbo flash fulmi subst. Flash animation Flash-animacio subst. flash card reader legilo por fulmmemora karto subst. flash memory fulmmemoro adj. flat plata subst. flat button plata butono adj. flat fee subst. flat file plata teksto subst. flat panel plata panelo subst. flat screen plata ekrano verbo flatten image unutavoligi bildon adj. flexible fleksebla verbo flicker flagri verbo flip renversi adj. floating glita subst. floating frame glita kadro adj. floating-point glitpunkta subst. floating-point number glitpunktnombro subst. flood subst. floppy disk disketo subst. flow fluo subst. flow chart fluskemo verbo flush elbufrigi subst. focal length interfokusa distanco subst. focus fokuso verbo focus enfokusigi subst. folder dosierujo subst. folding machine fladmasxino subst. follow-up postatentado subst. font tiparo subst. font face tiparo subst. font size tipara grado subst. font style tipara fasono subst. font type tipara tipo subst. font weight tipara pezo adj. foolproof erarimuna subst. footer pagxopiedo subst. footnote piednoto subst. foreground malfono subst. foreground color malfona koloro subst. foreign key subst. form formularo subst. form feed pagxosalto subst. form feed character pagxosalta signo subst. form letter modela letero verbo format (cell) formati (cxelon) subst. format (disk / file) strukturo verbo format (disk) strukturi (diskon) subst. format (page) arangxo subst. format paintbrush formatpeniko adj. formatted (text) formatita (teksto) subst. formatting bar formata breto subst. formula formulo subst. formula bar formula breto subst. forum forumo verbo forward (message) plusendi (mesagxon) adj. forward compatible kongrua plien subst. forward slash suprenstreko subst. forwarded message plusendita mesagxo subst. fraction frakcio subst. fraction bar frakcia breto adj. fractional frakcia subst. fragmentation fragmentigxo adj. fragmented (files) fragmentita subst. frame (video) kadro subst. frame (webdesign) kadro subst. frames per second kadroj ene de unu sekundo subst. frameset kadraro subst. framework subst. franking machine afranka masxino subst. freak pasiulo de informatiko verbo free malokupi subst. free software libera programaro subst. free space libera loko verbo free up liberigi adj. freeform libermana subst. freeform polygon libermana poligono subst. freeware cxiesajxo verbo freeze fiksi verbo freeze panes fiksi panelojn verbo freeze window fiksi fenestron subst. frequency frekvenco subst. frequently asked questions (FAQ) respondaro subst. front cover antauxa kovrilo subst. front office klientservo subst. front-end interface fasado subst. front-end program fasadprogramo subst. frontpage kovrilo subst. FTP FTP verbo ftp alsxuti subst. fuel cell energicxelo subst. fuel cell charger energicxela sxargxilo subst. full backup kompleta sekurkopio adj. full duplex plene ambauxdirekta adj. full screen tutekrana subst. full screen mode tutekrana regximo adj. full-text tutteksta subst. full-text search tutteksta sercxado subst. function funkcio subst. function bar funkcia breto subst. function declaration funkcideklaro subst. function key funkcia klavo subst. function list listo de funkcioj subst. function reference funkciaro subst. functional description funkciopriskribo subst. functional unit funkcia unuo adj. future estonta verbo fuzzify svagigi adj. fuzzy svaga subst. gadget akcesorajxo subst. gallery galerio subst. game komputila ludo subst. game controller ludregilo subst. game developer programisto de komputilaj ludoj subst. gamut warning subst. gap brecxo subst. gateway kluzo verbo gather grupigi subst. geek adj. general gxenerala verbo generate generi subst. generation (period) generacio subst. generation (data) generado subst. generator generilo adj. generic komuna subst. generic driver komuna pelilo subst. gentlemen's agreement amika interkonsento subst. geometry geometrio verbo get akiri subst. gigabyte gigabajto subst. giveaway donaco adj. global malloka subst. global optimization malloka optimigo subst. global settings mallokaj agordoj subst. global variable malloka variablo subst. glossary difinvortaro subst. glyph signobildo subst. goal seek sercxi celatan valoron subst. grace period prokrastoperiodo subst. gradient kolortransiro subst. graph diagramo subst. graphic performance grafika rendimento subst. graphical user interface grafika fasado subst. graphics (drawing) grafikajxo subst. graphics (art or technique) grafiko subst. graphics editor grafikilo subst. graphics mode grafika regximo subst. graphics tablet grafika tabulo subst. grayscale grizoskalo subst. grid krado subst. grid line kradlinio verbo group grupigi verbo group by grupigi laux subst. groupbox grupa zono subst. groupware grupprogramaro subst. guest book gastolibro mallon. GUI grafika interfaco subst. guide (drawing) helplinio subst. guide (manual) manlibro subst. guideline gvidnormo subst. gutter bindmargxeno verbo hack kodumi subst. hacker kodumulo subst. half-duplex alterndirekta subst. halt halto subst. halt instruction halta instrukcio subst. handheld computer posxkomputilo verbo handle trakti subst. handle tenilo subst. handler traktilo subst. handout flugfolio subst. handout master flugfolia modelo subst. handout page flugfolia pagxo subst. handout view flugfolia vido subst. handset manajxo subst. handshake message kvitanca mesagxo subst. handshaking kvitanca regximo subst. hands-on training verbo hang paralizigxi verbo hang up fini alvokon subst. hang up nevola halto subst. hanging indent negativa krommargxeno subst. hard copy printajxo subst. hard disk fiksita disko subst. hard link rekta ligilo subst. hard page break nepra pagxosalto subst. hard reset malvarma resxargxo subst. hard return alinefino adj. hard-coded en la programkodo mem subst. hardware aparataro subst. hardware acceleration aparatara plirapidigo subst. hardware check materialkontrolo subst. hardware roll-out subst. hash (mark) krado subst. hash function haketfunkcio subst. hash total pseuxdosumo subst. hashing haketado subst. hatch hacxo subst. have-nots malpotenculoj subst. haves potenculoj subst. head (printer) printila kapeto subst. header pagxokapo subst. header file kapdosiero subst. header row titolvico subst. heading titolo subst. headphone kapauxskultilo subst. headset kapauxskultilo subst. help helpilo subst. Help (key) helpa klavo subst. help agent helpilo subst. help authoring tool helpredaktilo subst. help file helpdosiero subst. help string helpocxeno subst. help text helpteksto subst. helpdesk helpejo subst. Hertz herco adj. hexadecimal deksesuma verbo hibernate pasivumigi adj. hidden kasxita subst. hidden file kasxita dosiero subst. hidden layer kasxita tavolo subst. hidden share kasxite komuna dosierujo subst. hidden text kasxita teksto verbo hide (column) kasxi (kolumnon) subst. hierarchy hierarkio subst. high-definition content adj. high-end (e.g. video card) altkvalita subst. high-level programming language altnivela programlingvo verbo highlight emfazi adj. high-performing adj. high-speed rapida subst. hight alto subst. history historio verbo hit (a key) premi subst. hit trafo adj. hi-tech pintteknologia subst. hoax falsa mesagxo verbo hold deteni subst. hold mode detenregximo subst. holding circuit detena cirkvito adj. home hejme subst. home banking retbankumado subst. home copy hejma kopio subst. home copy machine hejma kopiilo subst. home directory hejma dosierujo subst. home network hejma loka reto subst. home page hejmpagxo subst. home hejmo verbo hook up konekti subst. hopper (card) provizujo adj. horizontal horizontala verbo host gastigi retejon subst. host gastiga komputilo subst. hosting gastigo subst. hosting provider provizanto de gastigo subst. hostname nomo de gastiga komputilo subst. hot key klavkomando subst. hot plug device dumkura permuteblajxo adj. hot swappable dumkure permutebla adj. hot swapping dumkure permutebla subst. hotfix flikajxo subst. hotline helplineo subst. hotspot retkaptejo subst. hover delay sveba atendo verbo hover glisi subst. hovering glisado subst. HTML tag etikedo de HTML subst. HTML HTML subst. HTML-editor HTML-redaktilo subst. HTTP request HTTP-peto subst. hub nabo adj. human-readable homlegebla subst. human engineering ergonomiko adj. hybrid hibrida subst. hybrid computer hibrida komputilo adj. hyperbolic hiperbola subst. Hyper key hiper-klavo subst. hyperlink hiperligilo subst. hypertext hiperteksto subst. hypertext markup language HiperTeksta MarkLingvo subst. HyperThreading subst. hyphen streketo verbo hyphenate vortdividi subst. hyphenation (margxena) vortdivido mallon. I/O eneligo subst. I/O file eneliga dosiero mallon. i18n internaciigo mallon. IAP provizanto de retkonekto mallon. IC ico subst. icon bildsimbolo subst. icon editor bildsimbola redaktilo subst. ID identigilo mallon. IDE programada medio subst. identifier identigilo subst. identifier list nomlisto subst. identity mapping identobildigo subst. identity identajxo subst. idle mode senokupa regximo adj. idle senokupa subst. idle time senokupa tempo verbo ignore malatenti subst. ignore character nuliga signo subst. illegal character malpermesita signo subst. illumination lumigo subst. illustration ilustrajxo subst. image bildo subst. image base subst. image curve subst. image editor bildoredaktilo subst. image file bildodosiero subst. image map bildomapo subst. image manipulation program bildmanipulilo subst. image processing pritraktado de bildo subst. image set bildaro subst. image storage bildkonservejo subst. image uploader bildalsxutilo adj. imaginary imaginara subst. imaging bildigo subst. immediate addressing senpera adresado adj. immediate senpera verbo implement realigi subst. implementation realigo subst. implementation file realiga dosiero subst. implementation module realiga modulo adj. implicit implica verbo imply impliki verbo import importi subst. import importo verbo improve plibonigi adj. improved plibonigita subst. improvement plibonigo adj. inactive neaktiva subst. inactivity neaktiveco subst. inbound call envena alvoko subst. inbox enirkesto subst. incentive stimulo subst. inch colo subst. inch sign colsigno verbo include inkluzivi subst. include inkluzivajxo verbo include subfolders trasercxi en subdosierojn subst. inclusion inkluzivigo adj. inclusive inkluzica subst. incoming mail alveninta posxto subst. incoming mail server envena retposxta servilo adj. incompatible malkongrua subst. inconsistency nekohero adj. inconsistent nekohera verbo incorporate enkorpigi adj. incorrect malgxusta verbo increase kreskigi adj. increasing kreskanta verbo increment alkrementi adj. incremental alkrementa subst. incremental backup alkrementa sekurkopio subst. incremental search dumtajpa sercxo subst. indent(ation) krommargxeno subst. independent variable sendependa variablo adj. independent sendependa verbo index indeksi subst. index indekso subst. index entry indeksero subst. index marker indeksmarko subst. indexed file indekshava dosiero subst. indicator indikilo subst. indirect address malrekta adreso subst. induction indukto subst. industry standard industria normo subst. infinate loop senfina iteracio subst. informatics komputiko subst. information informo subst. information character informsigno subst. information flow informfluo subst. information science informatiko subst. information super highway informa sxoseo subst. information theory informteorio adj. infrared transrugxa subst. infrared port transrugxa pordo subst. infrastructure infrastrukturo verbo inherit heredi subst. inheritance heredado subst. inherited error heredita eraro verbo inhibit malebligi subst. initial letter komenca litero subst. initial position komenca pozicio subst. initial value komenca valoro verbo initialize pravalorizi verbo initiate iniciati subst. ink inko subst. ink cartridge (ink)kartocxo subst. inkjet printer inksxpruca printilo subst. inline graphics enteksta grafikajxo subst. inner join ena kunligo subst. inner margin interna margxeno subst. inode indeksnodo verbo input enigi subst. input enigo subst. input data enigaj datumoj subst. input device enigilo subst. input format eniga formato subst. input locale (keyboard) eniga lokajxaro subst. input string eniga cxeno subst. input-output eneligo verbo inquire enketi subst. inquiry enketo verbo insert enmeti subst. insert key enmeta klavo subst. insert mode enmeta regximo subst. insertion enigo subst. insertion point eniga loko verbo install instali subst. installation instalo subst. installation wizard instala asistanto subst. installer instalilo subst. instance ekzemplo adj. instant tujpreta subst. instant messaging tujmesagxado subst. instant messenger tujmesagxilo verbo instantiate generi subst. instruction instrukcio subst. instruction address instrukciadreso subst. instruction counter instrukcinombrilo subst. instruction cycle instrukciciklo subst. instruction format instrukciformato subst. instruction modification instrukcimodifo subst. instruction set instrukciaro adj. insufficient nesuficxa subst. integer entjero adj. integrated integrita subst. integrated circuit integrita cirkvito subst. integrated developement environment programada medio subst. integrated product integrita produkto subst. integrator integristo subst. integrity integreco subst. intelligent terminal auxtomata fininstalajxo subst. Intel-Mac Makintosxa komputilo kun Intel-procesoro subst. interaction dialogado adj. interactive dialoga subst. interactive mode dialoga regximo subst. interactive shell dialoga sxelo verbo interchange intersxangxi verbo interconnect interkonekti verbo interface interfaci subst. interface interfaco subst. interior node nodo verbo interlace interplekti subst. interleaved memory sxaktabula memoro subst. interleaving alternado verbo interlock rigli subst. interlocking riglado subst. intermediate language pontolingvo subst. intermediate user komencinto adj. internal interna subst. internal sort interna ordigo subst. internationalization internaciigo subst. internaut retumanto subst. internet Interreto subst. internet access interretaliro subst. internet access provider provizanto de retkonekto subst. internet café retumejo subst. internet censorship interreta cenzuro subst. internet connection retkonekto subst. Internet Explorer Interreta Esplorilo subst. internet page retpagxo subst. internet phone rettelefono subst. internet protocol interreta protokolo subst. internet provider provizanto de retkonekto subst. internet service retservo subst. internet service provider provizanto de retservoj subst. internet suite retumilo subst. interoperability subst. interpolation interpolado verbo interpret interpreti subst. interpreter interpretilo verbo interrupt interrompi subst. interrupt interrompo subst. interrupt handler interromptraktilo subst. interrupt level interrompnivelo adj. interruptable interrompebla verbo intersect sekci subst. intersection interkovro subst. interval intervalo subst. intranet intrareto subst. intrinsic function prafunkcio subst. intrinsic procedure praproceduro adj. invalid nevalida verbo invalidate malvalidigi adj. inverse inversa verbo invert inversigi subst. inverter inversigilo adj. invertible inversigebla subst. invoice fakturo verbo invoice fakturi verbo invoke envoki verbo involve koncerni subst. ioslaves enelsklavoj mallon. IP IP subst. IP address IP-adreso subst. IP aliasing subst. IP masquerading subst. ISO code ISO-kodo mallon. ISP provizanto de retservoj subst. issue atendindajxo subst. issuer eldonanto adj. italic (font) kursiva adj. italicized kursivita subst. item ero verbo itemize detaligi verbo iterate iteracii subst. iteration iteracio subst. iterator iteraciilo verbo jabber blablai subst. jam proof nesxtopebla subst. Java Gxavo subst. Javascript Gxavoskripto subst. job scheduler taskplanilo subst. job scheduling taskplanado subst. job tasko verbo jog skueti subst. jogger skuetilo verbo joggle skueti verbo join membrigxi subst. join kunligo subst. journal taglibro subst. journaling file system protokoliga dosiersistemo subst. joystick stirstango subst. jump page saltopagxo subst. jump to salti al subst. jumper (konekta) ponteto subst. junction kunigxo subst. junk rubajxo subst. just in time gxustatempe subst. justification gxisrandigo verbo justify gxisrandigi subst. juxxtapostion apudmeto verbo keep (formatting, ratio) konservi verbo kern kunsxovi subst. kernel kerno adj. kerning (font) kunsxovo subst. key (hardware) klavo subst. key (software) sxlosilo subst. key benefit cxefa avantagxo subst. keybinding klavkombino subst. key component cxefa komponento subst. key frame cxefa kadro subst. key generator sxlosilo-generilo subst. key pad klavareto subst. key passphrase cxifrosxlosila pasvorto subst. key sequence makroklavo subst. keyboard klavaro subst. keyboard layout klavarfasono subst. keyboard shortcut fulmoklavo subst. keylogger klavoprotokoligilo subst. keynote prelego subst. keynote address tema prelego subst. keynote speaker cxefa preleganto subst. keystroke klavofrapo subst. keytop klavosupro subst. keyword sxlosilvorto subst. keyword parameter sxlosilvorta parametro verbo kick peer (torrent) forpeli kundividanton subst. kicker lancxilo verbo kill visxi subst. killfile ignordosiero subst. kilobit kilobito subst. kilobyte (kB) kilobajto subst. kilohertz (kHz) kiloherco subst. kit garnituro subst. know-how scipovo subst. knowledge base sciobazo subst. knowledge sharing sciodivido subst. knowledge transfer transdono de scio verbo label etikedi subst. label etikedo subst. lack manko subst. lag time atendotempo mallon. LAN loka reto subst. LAN adapter adaptilo por loka reto subst. LAN party subst. landscape (document) horizontala formato subst. language file lingvodosiero subst. language guide (programming) programreferencverko subst. language pack lingva pakajxo subst. laptop (computer) tekokomputilo subst. large format printer largxformata printilo subst. laser printer lasera printilo subst. laserpointer lasera indikilo verbo latch fiksi subst. latency atendotempo verbo launch lancxi subst. layer tavolo subst. layer mask tavola masko subst. layered graphic plurtavola grafikajxo subst. layout (cell) aspektigo subst. layout (page) arangxo subst. layouter aspektigisto mallon. LCD likvokristala ekrano subst. lead subst. lead time subst. leader subst. leading dot antauxira punkto subst. leading space antauxira spaceto subst. leading zero antauxira nulo subst. leaflet flugfolio subst. learning curve subst. leased line lukontrakta lineo subst. leased network lukontrakta reto subst. leasing lukontrakto subst. leecher (torrent) ricevanto subst. left quote malapostrofo subst. legacy heredajxo subst. legend klarigeto adj. letterlike (symbol) litersimila subst. level nivelo adj. lexical leksika adj. lexicographical vortara subst. lexicon leksikono subst. library biblioteko subst. library element biblioteka elemento subst. library program biblioteka programo subst. license permesi subst. license agreement permesilo subst. license manager administrilo por permesiloj subst. life-cycle vivciklo subst. lifetime vivdauxro mallon. LIFO inversvica memoro subst. light pen lumplumo adj. lightweight plumpeza adj. like simila subst. limit (a) limo subst. limit (the) maksimumo adj. limitless senlima subst. line break linisalto subst. line color linikoloro subst. line count nombro da linioj subst. line end linifino subst. line head linikomenco subst. line pattern linia motivo subst. line separator linifinilo subst. line size linigrando subst. line spacing interlinia distanco subst. line style linia stilo subst. line through trastreko subst. line transparancy linia travidebleco subst. line width linia largxo subst. line wrap linifaldo subst. line (de programo) linio subst. line (inter aparatoj) lineo adj. linear lineara subst. linear ascending lineara kresko subst. linear descending lineara malkresko subst. linear regression lineara regresio subst. line break linisalto subst. line break tag linisalta etikedo subst. line buffer linebufro subst. line feed character linisalta signo subst. line printer polinia printilo subst. linefeed liniavanco subst. linefeed character liniavanca karaktero subst. link ligilo verbo link ligi subst. linked area ligita areo subst. linked data ligitaj datumoj subst. linked list ligillisto subst. Linuxx Linukso subst. liquid crystal display likvakristala ekrano verbo list listigi subst. list box listujo subst. list listo subst. listing presajxo adj. little-endian pezfina adj. live (broadcast) senpera verbo load (image into resume) meti verbo load (register, program) sxargi subst. load (server) sxargxo subst. load address enmeta adreso subst. load balancer sxargxobalancilo subst. load balancing sxargxobalancado subst. load module sxargxmodulo adj. loaded sxargita subst. loader sxargilo subst. local area network loka reto subst. local filename nomo de loka dosiero subst. local network loka reto subst. local object loka objekto subst. local variable loka variablo adj. local loka subst. locale lokajxaro subst. locale category lokajxo subst. localization asimilado verbo localize asimili adj. locally loke verbo locate loki subst. location loko verbo lock (computer) sxlosi subst. locking sxlosado verbo lock guides sxlosi helpliniojn subst. lock-out sxloso verbo log protokoli subst. log file protokola dosiero verbo log in ensaluti subst. log in window ensaluta fenestro subst. log information protokolaj informoj subst. logarithm logaritmo subst. logger protokolilo subst. logic element logika elemento adj. logical logika verbo log in ensaluti subst. login ensaluto subst. login salutnomo subst. login directory hejma dosierujo subst. login manager salutadministrilo subst. login name salutnomo subst. login shell saluta sxelo subst. logo emblemo verbo log out elsaluti subst. logout elsaluto subst. long dash longa haltostreko subst. long filename handling traktado de longnomaj dosieroj subst. lookalike similajxo subst. look-and-feel fasado subst. lookup trarigardo subst. loop iteracio verbo loop iteracii subst. loop body iteracikorpo subst. loop count iteracia nombrado subst. loop header iteracicxapo subst. loop statement iteracio (senkondicxa) adj. loose malstrikta adj. lossless (data compression) senperda adj. lossy (data compression) perda subst. low radiation etradia adj. low-budget malmultekosta adj. low-end malmultekosta subst. lower case minuskla subst. lower case letter minusklo verbo lowercase minuskligi verbo lurk subst. lurker subst. Lynx Linko subst. Mac OS X Makintosxo OS X mallon. mac-address masxinadreso subst. machine code masxinkodo adj. machine independent komputil-nedependa subst. machine language masxinlingvo adj. machine-readable masxinlegebla subst. Macintosh Makintosxo subst. macro makroo subst. macro file makroa dosiero subst. macro security makroa sekureco subst. macro toolbar makroa ilobreto subst. magic quotes auxtomataj eskapsignoj subst. magnetic disk magneta disko subst. magnetic tape magneta bendo subst. magnifier pligrandigilo verbo magnify pligrandigi subst. mail (ret)mesagxo verbo mail retposxti subst. mail box posxtskatolo subst. mail exploder dissendilo subst. mail handler (ret)posxtotraktilo subst. mail handling (ret)posxtotraktado subst. mail merge porretposxta kunfandado subst. mail server posxtoservilo subst. mailbox quota kvoto de posxtskatolo subst. mailer posxtilo subst. mailing amassendado subst. mailing list dissendolisto adj. main cxefa subst. main body cxefa teksto subst. main diagonal cxefa diagonalo subst. main index cxefa indekso subst. main menu cxefa menuo subst. main program cxefa programo subst. main store cxefa memoro subst. main text cxefa teksto subst. main user cxefa uzanto adj. main cxefa subst. mainframe cxefa komputilo subst. mainframe komputilego verbo maintain funkciteni subst. maintenance funkciteno adj. maintenance funkcitena subst. maintenance contract funkcitena kontrakto subst. maintenance task funkcitena tasko subst. maintenance funkciteno adj. major cxefa verbo make munti verbo make available verbo make clickable alklakebligi subst. makefile muntodosiero adj. malformed misformita subst. malfunction paneo adj. malicious malbonintenca subst. malware fiprogramaro verbo manage administri subst. management administrado subst. manager administranto subst. mandatory parameter nepra parametro subst. manifest file verbo manipulate manipuli subst. manipulation manipulado subst. mantissa mantiso adj. manual mana subst. manual nepra parametro subst. manual control mana regado adj. manual(ly) permane subst. manual break permana salto subst. manual feed permana paperenmeto verbo map mapigi subst. mapping mapigo subst. mapping structure mapiga strukturo subst. mapping table mapiga tabelo subst. margin margxeno verbo mark marki subst. marker marko subst. markup markado verbo mask maski subst. mask masko subst. mass storage device amasmemorilo adj. master cxefa subst. master (PowerPoint) modelo subst. master boot record cxefa sxargxodosiero subst. master document cxefa dokumento subst. master file cxefdosiero subst. master index cxefindekso subst. master mode modela regximo subst. master password cxefa pasvorto subst. master tape cxefbendo subst. match kongruo verbo match (query) kongrui subst. match case uskleca kongruo subst. matrix matrico subst. matrix printer matrica printilo adj. maximal maksimuma verbo maximize maksimumigi subst. measure unit mezurunuo subst. mechanism mekanismo subst. media auxdvidajxo subst. media conversion medikonverto subst. media gateway (media to TV) subst. media object auxdvidea objekto subst. media player spektilo subst. median mediano adj. medium meza subst. megabyte (MB) megabajto (Mbajt) subst. member membro verbo memorize enmemorigi subst. memory memoro subst. memory allocation memorgenerado subst. memory block memorbloko subst. memory card memorkarto subst. memory cell memorcxelo subst. memory cycle memorcikla dauxro subst. memory hierarchy memorhierarkio subst. memory leak memorlikado subst. memory module memormodulo subst. memory protection memorprotekto subst. memory size memorkapacito subst. memory stick USB-posxmemoro subst. memory usage memoruzado subst. menu menuo subst. menu bar menubreto subst. menu item menuero verbo merge kunfandi subst. merging kunfando subst. message mesagxo subst. message board mesagxtabulo subst. message board system mesagxtabula sistemo subst. message box dialogujo subst. message handler mesagxotraktilo subst. message storage mesagxa konservejo subst. meta data metadatumoj subst. meta file metadosiero subst. meta key meta-klavo subst. meta language metalingvo subst. meta symbol metasimbolo subst. meta tag metaetikedo subst. meta-expression metaesprimo subst. method metodo subst. microcomputer mikrokomputilo subst. microphone mikrofono subst. microprocessor mikroprocesoro subst. microprogram mikroprogramo subst. microprogramming mikroprogramado subst. middleware mezkvalita aparataro adj. mid-range mezkvalita verbo migrate (data) strukture transmeti subst. migration (data) struktura transmetado de datumoj subst. MIME type MIME-tipo adj. minimal minimuma verbo minimize minimumigi adj. minor kroma subst. minor grid kroma krado subst. minor interval kroma intervalo subst. minor mode kromregximo subst. minus minuso subst. minutes (meeting) raporto verbo mirror speguli subst. mirror drive spegulo (de durdisko) subst. mirror plate spegulplato subst. mirror site spegulo ( de retpagxo) adj. miscellanious diversa subst. miscellanious diversajxoj subst. mismatch miskongruo subst. miss maltrafo subst. mission statement celaro adj. mission-critical verbo mistype mistajpi subst. mixed case miksuskla subst. mnemonic memoriga helpilo subst. modchip subst. mode regximo subst. model modelo subst. modelling modelado subst. modem modemo subst. moderated group kontrolata grupo subst. moderator (meeting) kunvenestro subst. moderator (website) kontrolanto subst. modifier modifilo verbo modify modifi subst. modular modula subst. modular programming moduleca programado verbo modulate moduli subst. modulation modulado subst. module modulo subst. monitor monitoro subst. monitoring monitorado subst. monitoring system monitora sistemo adj. monospaced egallargxa subst. motherboard cxeftabulo verbo mount (a file system) surmeti (dosiersistemon) subst. mount point surmetingo subst. mouse muso subst. mouse button musklavo subst. mouse cursor musmontrilo subst. mouse keys musklavoj subst. mouse pad musmato subst. mouse pointer musmontrilo verbo move movi verbo move back malantauxenigi subst. Mozilla Mozilo subst. MP3 player MP3 ludilo adj. multi-access pluratinga verbo multicast plurelsendi adj. multi-channel plurkanala adj. multi-function plurfunkcia subst. multihoming adj. multi-line plurlinia subst. multi-line input plurlinia enigo subst. multimedia plurmedio subst. multimedia file plurmedia dosiero subst. multimedia player plurmedia ludilo adj. multipart plurparta subst. multi-pass compiler subst. multi-pass rendering adj. multiple pluropa subst. multiple address instruction pluradresa instrukcio adj. multiple-choice subst. multiple select pluropa elekto subst. multiplex kunigilo subst. multiplier multobligilo verbo multiply multobligi verbo multipost plurafisxi subst. multiprocessing plurprocesorado subst. multi-processor plurprocesoro adj. multipurpose plurcela adj. multirange plurampleksa subst. multiselection plurelekto adj. multisession plurseanca adj. multitasking plurtaska subst. multitasking plurtaskado subst. multithreading disfadenigo verbo mute silentigi subst. mute key senpasxa klavo subst. named constant nomhava konstanto adj. nameless sennoma subst. names conflict nomkonflikto subst. namespace nomspaco subst. narrowcasting adj. native indigxena subst. native compiler indigxena tradukilo subst. native mode indigxena regximo subst. natural language natura lingvo subst. natural logarithm natura logaritmo subst. natural number natura entjero verbo navigate navigi subst. navigation navigado subst. navigation bar naviga breto subst. navigation block naviga bloko subst. navigation link navigligilo subst. navigation pane naviga fenestro subst. navigator navigilo subst. necessary condition necesa kondicxo verbo negate negacii subst. negation negacio adj. negative negativa subst. negative acknowledgement negativa kvitanco subst. nerd adj. nested ingita subst. nested loop ingita iteracio subst. nested procedure ingita proceduro subst. nesting ingado subst. nesting level ingadnivelo subst. net reto subst. net user retumanto subst. netiquette retmoroj subst. netizen retlandano subst. netnews forumaro subst. network loka reto subst. network address translation subst. network card retkarto subst. network connection retkonekto subst. network folder dosierujo en loka reto subst. network layer reta tavolo subst. network printer printilo en loka reto subst. network tool retanalizilo subst. network-attached storage konservejo en loka reto subst. never-ending eterna subst. newbie novulo subst. newline novlinio subst. news aggregator novajx-kolektilo subst. news flash novajxo subst. news group novajxgrupo subst. news reader novajxlegilo subst. news server novajxservilo subst. newsticker adj. next sekva subst. nibble subst. nickname kasxnomo subst. no-break space nerompebla spaceto subst. node (ret)nodo subst. noise bruo subst. noise level brunivelo subst. nonprinting characters nepreseblaj signoj subst. non-significant digit nesignifa cifero adj. non-transitive netransitiva subst. non-volatile memory energi-nedependa memoro subst. norm normo verbo norm normi adj. normal normala verbo normalize normigi adj. normalized ununorma adj. normed normhava subst. normed space normhava spaco subst. notation notacio subst. note komento subst. notebook tekkomputilo subst. notepad platteksta redaktilo subst. notes area areo por notoj subst. notes master nota modelo subst. notes page nota pagxo subst. notification sciigo subst. notification method sciiga metodo verbo notify sciigi subst. notion nocio subst. null senvalora verbo nullify nuligi subst. num lock nombra baskulo verbo number nombri subst. number pad nombra klavaro subst. number system nombrosistemo subst. numeral numeralo subst. numeric keypad nombra klavaro subst. numeric character set nombra kodaro adj. numeric(al) nombra subst. numerical control cifereca stirado subst. numerical method nombra metodo subst. numerical pad nombra klavaro subst. object objekto subst. object code celkodo subst. object language cellingvo subst. object module celmodulo subst. object program celprogramo subst. object-oriented programming objektema programado subst. object-oriented programming language objektema programlingvo subst. oblique (font) adj. obsolete neaktuala verbo occupy okupi subst. occurence apero mallon. OCR optika signorekono subst. octal okuma subst. octet bitoko adj. odd malpareca subst. odd parity check malpareckontrolo mallon. OEM subst. office bundle oficeja programarfasko subst. office software oficeja programaro adj. offline (computer) nekonektite adj. offline (off the web) eksterreta subst. offline browser eksterreta foliumilo subst. offline mode eksterreta regximo subst. offset desxovo subst. OK bone subst. omission preterlaso adj. on demand lauxpete adj. on site surloka adj. on the fly dinamike adj. one-time unu-foja subst. on/off ek/for subst. onboard (sound) surcxeftabula adj. online (computer) konektite adj. online (on the web) enreta subst. online help system enreta helpsistemo subst. online storage enreta konservejo adj. on-the-fly pasperkuta adj. on-time akurata subst. opacity opakeco adj. opaque maldiafana adj. open malfermita verbo open a connection konekti verbo open a file malfermi dosieron subst. open basedir lega-skriba bazdosierujo subst. open box testing vitroskatola testado subst. open network malfermita reto adj. open-source malfermitkoda subst. open-source community malfermitkoda komunumo subst. open-source evangelist promocianto de malfermitkoda programaro subst. open-source project malfermitkoda projekto subst. open-source software malfermitkoda programaro subst. operand operando subst. operand register aritmetika regxistro subst. operating part operaciindika parto subst. operating system operaciumo subst. operation operacio subst. operator operatoro subst. operator (person) operatoro subst. operator (sign) operacisimbolo adj. opposite kontrauxa subst. opposite value kontrauxa valoro subst. opt in permeso donita subst. opt out permeso supozita subst. optical character recognition (OCR) optika signorekono subst. optical disc lumdisko subst. optical fiber lumfibro adj. optimal optimuma subst. optimization optimumigo verbo optimize optimumigi subst. opt-in list listo mem-al-elekta subst. option opcio subst. option bar agorda breto adj. optional malnepra subst. optional parameter malnepra parametro subst. opt-out list listo mem-for-elekta subst. order ordo subst. order status menda stato subst. ordered pair duopo subst. ordered set orda aro subst. ordered tree orda arbo subst. ordinary file ordinara dosiero subst. ordinary graph simpla grafeo subst. organization chart hierarkia skemo verbo organize organizi subst. organizer organizilo verbo orientate orienti verbo orientation orientigxo verbo oriented graph orientita grafeo verbo oriented tree orientita arbo subst. orphan orfo subst. orphan page orfa pagxo adj. out of order paneinta subst. out of memory memormanko subst. out of office reply malcxeesto-averto adj. out of range ekstervarieja subst. outbox elirkesto adj. outdated negxisdata subst. outdent(ation) malkrommargxeno adj. outer ekstera subst. outer join ekstera kunligo subst. outer margin ekstera margxeno subst. outer wrap ekstera cxirkauxfluo subst. outgoing mail eliranta posxto subst. outgoing mail server elira retposxta servilo subst. outlet sxtopilingo subst. outline (image) konturo subst. outline (document) resumo subst. outline bar resuma breto subst. outline font kontura tiparo subst. outline level kontura nivelo adj. out-of-the-box elskatole kapabla subst. output eligo verbo output eligi subst. output behavior eliga konduto subst. output buffering eliga bufrado subst. output data eligaj datumoj subst. output device eligilo subst. output file celdosiero verbo outsource subkontrakti subst. outsourcing subkontraktado subst. overclocking rapidumo subst. overflow troo adj. overhead diafana verbo overlap kovri parte subst. overload supersxargxo subst. overprint subst. overprint version verbo override transpasi subst. override transpaso adj. overridable transpasebla verbo overrule subst. overtype mode anstatauxiga skribregximo subst. overview superrigardo verbo overwrite anstatauxigi subst. overwrite mode anstatauxiga skribregximo verbo pack paki subst. package pakajxo subst. package management pakajx-mastrumado subst. package manager pakajxa administrilo subst. package search pakajxa sercxo subst. packet pakajxo subst. packet forwarding paketa plusendado subst. packet switching popakajxa reto subst. padding sxtopado subst. page pagxo subst. page border pagxa bordero subst. page break pagxosalto subst. page count kalkulo de pagxoj subst. page footer pagxotitolo suba subst. page header pagxotitolo supra subst. page setup pagxo-agordo subst. page style pagxa stilo subst. pagefile subst. page view pagxovizito subst. page wrap pagxa cxirkauxfluo subst. pager tabulpagxilo verbo paginate pagxonumeri subst. pagination pagxonumerado subst. paintbrush peniko subst. pair duopo subst. palmtop computer posxkomputilo subst. pane antauxrigardejo subst. panel panelo subst. pangram cxiuliterajxo subst. paper format paperformato subst. paper jam papersxtopigxo subst. paper orientation paperorientigxo subst. paper size papergrando subst. paper tray paperpleto subst. paper-out detector papermankdetektilo subst. paragraph (sign) paragrafo subst. paragraph (text) alineo subst. paragraph border alinea bordero subst. paragraph break desxovo (alinea) subst. paragraph style alinea stilo subst. paragraph tag alinea etikedo adj. parallel paralela subst. parallel port paralela konektejo subst. parallel processing paralelado subst. parallel search paralela sercxo subst. parameter parametro subst. parent patra subst. parent level patra nivelo subst. parent process patra procezo subst. parent term patra termino subst. parental control software gepatra enhavlimigilo subst. parentheses-free notation senkrampa operaciskribo subst. parenthesis krampo subst. parity pareco subst. parity bit parecbito subst. parity check pareckontrolo subst. parity sign parecosigno subst. parked domain rezervita retregiono subst. parking (hosting) rezervita verbo parse sintakse analizi subst. parse error analizeraro subst. parse tree derivarbo subst. parser sintaksa analizilo subst. part parto adj. partial parta subst. partition subdisko verbo partition dispartigi adj. passive pasiva subst. passphrase pasfrazo subst. password pasvorto subst. password data pasvortaj datumoj subst. password optional pasvorto malnepras adj. password protected protektita per pasvorto subst. password protection pasvorta protektado subst. password recovery e-mail pasvort-rememoriga retmesagxo subst. password required pasvorto nepras verbo paste alglui subst. paste buffer tondejo verbo paste special alglui speciale verbo paste together kunglui subst. patch flikajxo verbo patch fliki subst. patch utility flikilo subst. patching flikado subst. patents pending rajtoj rezervitaj subst. path vojo subst. path name vojnomo subst. pattern (image) desegno subst. pattern (search) sercxpeto subst. pattern maker subst. pattern matching desegna rekono subst. pattern recognition desegna rekono subst. pause pauxzo verbo pause (defragmenting) pauxzigi subst. payware komercajxo subst. PC persona komputilo mallon. PDA posxkomputilo subst. PDF-viewer PDF-legilo subst. peer-to-peer (network) samtavola komunikado subst. peers (torrent) kundividantoj subst. Peirce function malauxo subst. pen (computer) grifelo adj. pending okazonta subst. percentage elcento adj. percentual elcenta subst. perforator truilo verbo perform efektivigi subst. performance rendimento subst. period periodo subst. peripheral flankaparato adj. permanent dauxra subst. permalink konstanta ligilo subst. permission (atingo)permeso subst. perpendicular recording adj. persistent dauxra subst. personal computer persona komputilo subst. personal web page privata retejo verbo personalize tajlori subst. phase fazo verbo phase in progresive enkonduki verbo phase out progresive forigi subst. phishing pasvortsxtelo subst. photo CD fota k-disko subst. photowallet adj. physical fizika subst. physical address fizika adreso subst. physical layer fizika tavolo subst. physical storage fizika memoro subst. pica cicero subst. picture bildo subst. picture bar bilda breto subst. picture placeholders bildolokokupiloj subst. picture viewer bildorigardilo subst. pingback resondado subst. pitch interpasxo subst. pivot pivoto subst. pivot chart pivotgrafiko subst. pivot table pivottabelo subst. pixel rastrumero subst. pixel editor rastrumera redaktilo subst. pixel mode rastrumera regximo subst. pixel pattern rastrumera desegno subst. pixel size rastrumera grando subst. place meti subst. place value system pozicia nombrosistemo subst. placeholder lokokupilo subst. place-holder text lokokupa teksto subst. place-holder web page lokokupa retejo subst. placement lokado adj. plain text plata teksto subst. plane angle ebena angulo subst. plane curve ebena kurbo subst. plane tree orda arbo subst. platform platformo subst. platter verbo play legi subst. playback subst. player legilo subst. playlist ludlisto subst. plot grafika prezento verbo plot desegni subst. plotter desegnilo subst. plug sxtopilo verbo plug sxtopi subst. plug and play konekti kaj ek! subst. plug and pray verbo plug in konekti subst. plug-in (software) kromprogramo subst. plug-in card kromkarto subst. plus sign pluso mallon. PoC provo de la koncepto subst. pocket computer posxkomputilo subst. point size tipara grado subst. pointer (mouse) musmontrilo subst. pointer (presentation) montrilo subst. pointer (variable) adresmontrilo subst. pointer type referenca tipo subst. pointing device pikilo subst. policy politiko verbo poll opinisondi subst. poll opinisondo subst. poll module enketa modulo subst. polygon plurangulo subst. polyline plurlinio subst. pool aro mallon. POP (protocol) posxtoficeja protokolo mallon. POP (telecom) voknumero verbo pop-in malsxpruci verbo pop-out sxpruci subst. POP-server POP-servilo subst. pop-up sxprucfenestro subst. pop-up ad sxprucfenestra reklamo subst. pop-up blocker sxprucfenestra blokilo subst. pop-up menu sxprucmenuo subst. pop-up window sxprucfenestro subst. port pordo subst. port forwarding aliporda plusendado subst. port number porda numero subst. portability porteblo adj. portable portebla subst. portable CD player posx-k-diskludilo subst. portable computer portebla komputilo subst. portable fuel cell portebla energicxelo subst. portal portalo subst. portrait (document) vertikala formato subst. position pozicio verbo position pozicii adj. position-independent eksterloka subst. positioning enpoziciigo adj. positive pozitiva subst. post posxto verbo post (event) okazigi verbo post (message) afisxi subst. post editing postredaktado subst. postcondition postkondicxo subst. postdecrement postdekremento verbo posterize transformi afisxen subst. postfix notation postmeta operaciskribo subst. postincrement postalkremento subst. posting afisxo subst. post-it note glunoto subst. postmaster posxtestro subst. postmortem dump nekropsio subst. postprocessing posttraktado subst. postprocessor posttraktilo subst. PostScript PostSkripto subst. power (person) potenco subst. power (energy) kurento subst. power failure kurentpaneo subst. power off kurentmalsxalto subst. power on kurentsxalto subst. power save mode energisxpara regximo subst. power supply kurentprovizo subst. powered by funkciigita de verbo precise (a search) precizigi sercxon adj. precompiled antauxkompilita subst. precondition antauxkondicxo subst. predecessor antauxanto adj. predefined apriora subst. predefined function prafunkcio subst. predefined procedure praproceduro subst. preemptive multitasking subst. preference agordo subst. preflight information adj. preformated antauxformatita adj. preinstalled antauxinstalita subst. preliminary study prepara esploro subst. premium membership ora membreco adj. prepaid antauxpagita subst. prepaid card antauxpagita karto verbo prepare pretigi verbo preprocess antauxtrakti subst. preprocessing antauxtraktado subst. preprocessor antauxtraktilo verbo preselect antauxelekti subst. presentation prezentajxo subst. presentation layer prezenta tavolo subst. preset antauxagordo subst. press release gazetara komuniko verbo prestore antauxregistri adj. presumptive modifota subst. presumptive address modifota adreso subst. pretexting verbo prevent preventi subst. preventive maintenance preventa funkciteno subst. preview antauxrigardo subst. preview image aspekto de la kreota bildo subst. preview mode antauxrigarda regximo subst. preview pane antauxrigardejo adj. previous antauxa subst. prewired antauxdratita adj. primary cxefa subst. primary index cxefindekso subst. primary key cxefsxlosilo subst. primary memory cxefmemoro subst. primary order cxefa ordo subst. primary partition cxefsubdisko subst. primary storage cxefmemoro subst. primer manlibreto verbo print printi subst. print area printareo subst. print buffer printbufro subst. print editing prespretigo subst. print job printtasko subst. print monitor printila mastrumilo subst. print on demand lauxpeta presado subst. print preview aspekto de la printotajxo subst. print range printenda zono verbo print to file printi en dosieron subst. print version printebla versio subst. printable character printebla signo subst. printer printilo subst. printer driver printila pelilo subst. printer output printila eligo subst. printer-friendly printebla subst. printer-friendly version printebla versio subst. printer's error printeraro subst. printing character videbla signo subst. printout firmajxo subst. priority prioritato subst. priority indicator prioritatindikilo subst. priority scheduling prioritata vicigo subst. priority processing prioritata traktado subst. privacy privateco adj. private privata subst. private data privataj datumoj subst. privilege privilegio subst. privileged user privilegiulo subst. probability probablo verbo probe sondi subst. problem definition problemdifino subst. procedure proceduro subst. procedure declaration procedurdeklaro subst. procedure-oriented language ordonema programlingvo subst. process procezo verbo process trakti subst. process control procezregado subst. process identifier proceznumero adj. processable traktebla subst. processing traktado (de datumoj) subst. processor (hardware) procesoro subst. processor (software) traktilo subst. product activation produktaktivigo subst. product lifecycle produkta vivciklo subst. production environment subst. production mode produkta regximo adj. professional profesia subst. professional profesiulo subst. profile profilo subst. profiler profililo verbo program programi subst. program code kodo subst. program library programbiblioteko subst. program mode programregximo subst. program verification and validation programkontrolo subst. program programo subst. programmable read-only memory programebla nurlega memoro subst. programmed key makroklavo subst. programmer programisto subst. programming programado subst. programming environment programara metiejo subst. programming language programlingvo subst. programming system programsistemo subst. progress plenumo subst. progress bar plenumskalo subst. progress indicator plenumindikilo subst. progress report plenumraporto verbo prohibit malebligi subst. project projekto subst. project fork subst. project manager projektadministrilo subst. projection projekcio subst. PROM programebla nurlega memoro verbo promote (level) unu nivelon supren subst. promotion gradaltigo subst. prompt invito verbo prompt (before saving) averti per dialogo (antaux ol konservi) subst. proof of concept konceptprovo subst. proof total kontrolsumo subst. propagated erro disvastigita eraro subst. propagation disvastigo subst. properties ecoj subst. property atributo subst. proportion proporcio adj. proportional proporcia adj. proprietary komerca subst. proprietary software komerca programaro subst. prospect eventuala kliento verbo protect sxirmi subst. protocol protokolo adj. prototype prototipa subst. prototype prototipo verbo prove out kontroli verbo provide provizi subst. provider provizanto subst. proximity sensor (iPhone) proksimeca sensoro subst. proxy prokura servilo subst. proxy gateway prokura kluzo subst. proxy server prokura servilo verbo prune stuci subst. pseudocode pseuxdokodo subst. pseudomachine pseuxdomasxino subst. pseudonym pseuxdonimo subst. public domain software publikajxo subst. public preview publika antauxrigardo subst. publication publikigo adj. public-domain publika subst. publisher (company) eldonejo subst. publisher (person) eldonisto subst. publishing platform publikiga platformo subst. pull technology tirteknologio subst. pull-down menu tirmenuo subst. punch card trukarto verbo punch trui subst. punch truilo subst. punch card machine trukarta masxino subst. punchless sentrua subst. punch tape trubendo subst. punched card trukarto subst. punched tape reader trubenda legilo subst. punctuation interpunkcio subst. punctuation mark interpunkcia signo subst. punctuation symbol interpunkcia simbolo verbo purge senrubigi subst. purge date eksigxdato verbo push premi subst. push button prembutono subst. push technology premteknologio subst. put file dialog sekurigo-dialogujo subst. pyramid piramido subst. quailty assessment kvalitkontrolo adj. qualified kapabla subst. quality control kvalitokontrolo subst. quality of service kvalito de servo subst. quantum kvantumo verbo quantumize kvantumigi subst. quarantaine kvaranteno verbo query informpeti subst. query informpeto subst. query browser subst. query design informpeta fasonado subst. query file informpeta dosiero subst. query language informpeta lingvo subst. query wizard informpeta asistanto subst. quest peto subst. question mark cxusigno subst. queue atendovico verbo queue envicigi adj. quick rapide subst. quick and dirty rapidacxe subst. quick launch bar rapidlancxa breto subst. quick reference (guide) manlibreto subst. quick search rapida sercxo subst. quickstarter tujstartilo subst. quick-add dropdown rapid-aldona menuo subst. quickfix flikajxo subst. quicklauncher rapidlancxilo subst. quick-search bar rapid-sercxa breto subst. quicksort rapida ordigo verbo quit cxesi subst. quotation mark citilo verbo quote citi subst. quote citajxo subst. quote (sign) citilo subst. quotient kvociento subst. rack rako subst. radio button radiobutono subst. radio list radiolisto subst. radius radiuso subst. radix bazo subst. radix point onkomo mallon. RAM cxefmemoro subst. RAM disk cxefmemora disko adj. random hazarda subst. random access senvica atingo subst. random number hazarda nombro subst. random number generator hazardnombra generatoro subst. random transition hazarda transpaso subst. random variable hazarda variablo subst. random-access memory cxefmemoro verbo randomize hazardigi subst. randomization hazardigo subst. range (zone) amplekso subst. range (database) variejo subst. range check subst. range error valoreksceso subst. range name ampleksnomo subst. rank rango verbo rank rangigi subst. raster rastrumo subst. raster graphics rastruma grafikajxo subst. raster processor rastrumigilo verbo rasterize rastrumigi subst. rasterizer rastrumigilo subst. rate (speed) rapido subst. rate (percentage) elcentajxo subst. ratio proporcio subst. raw data krudaj datumoj subst. ray tracing verbo read (data) legi subst. read error legeraro subst. read receipt legokonfirmo subst. reader legilo subst. reading head legkapo subst. readme file legumino adj. read-only nurlega subst. read-only file nurlega dosiero subst. read-only memory nurlega memoro subst. read-write head lega-skriba kapo adj. real reela subst. real mode reela regximo subst. real number reelo adj. real time realtempa subst. real time operation realtempa regximo subst. real time processing realtempa regximo verbo rearrange rearangxi verbo reassign reatribui subst. reboot resxargxo verbo reboot resxargxi verbo rebuild refari verbo recalculate rekalkuli verbo recalculate hard rekalkuli senkondicxe verbo recall (message) verbo recap resumi subst. receive receipt subst. receiver ricevonto adj. recent lasta subst. recent changes lastaj sxangxoj subst. recipient ricevonto subst. recognition rekono verbo recognize rekoni verbo recompile rekompili verbo reconfigure reagordi verbo record registri subst. record rikordo subst. record length rikordlongo subst. record type rikordotipo adj. recordable registrebla subst. recorder registrilo verbo recover restauxri adj. recoverable restauxrebla subst. recovery restauxro subst. recovery file restauxrkopio subst. rectangle ortangulo subst. rectangle tool ortangulilo subst. rectangular matrix rekta matrico adj. recurrent rikura subst. recursion rikuro subst. recursive function rikura funkcio subst. recursive process rikura trakto subst. recycle bin rubujo subst. red tape burokrateco verbo redirect alidirekti subst. redirect(ion) alidirekto subst. redistribution redistribuo verbo redo refari verbo redraw redesegni verbo reduce redukti verbo reduce font malpligrandigi signojn subst. redundancy redundo subst. redundancy check redundokontrolo adj. redundant redunda verbo reenter reenigi verbo refer to referenci al subst. reference referenco verbo reference referenci subst. reference file referenca dosiero subst. reference mark referencilo subst. referenced variable referencato verbo referrer referanto verbo refill replenigi verbo refine rafini verbo reformat restrukturi verbo refresh aktualigi subst. refresh rate ofteco de aktualigo verbo regenerate regeneri subst. regeneration regenero subst. region regiono verbo register registri subst. register regxistro subst. register globals mallokajxoj subst. registration key registra sxlosilo subst. registration number registra numero subst. registry registrejo subst. registry key registreja sxlosilo subst. regression regresio adj. regular regula subst. regular expression regula esprimo subst. regular file ordinara dosiero subst. regular language regula lingvo subst. regulation reguligo verbo reinstert reenigi verbo reject malakcepti subst. reject rate procento de malakcepto verbo relabel reetikedi adj. related rilata subst. related link rilata ligilo subst. related term rilata termino subst. relation rilato subst. relation on a set interna rilato subst. relational database rilata datumbazo subst. relational database management system rilata datumbaza mastruma sistemo subst. relational operator rilata operacio subst. relationship rilato adj. relative relativa subst. relative address relativa adreso subst. relative addressing relativa adresado subst. relative error relativa eraro verbo relay plusendi subst. relay relajso verbo release (version) eldoni verbo release (set free) liberigi subst. release eldono subst. release date eldondato subst. release notes eldonaj notoj subst. release year eldonjaro adj. relevant rilata subst. relevance subst. reliability fidindo adj. reliable fidinda verbo reload resxargxi verbo relocate loki subst. relocation lokado subst. remainder resto adj. remaining restanta subst. remark komento subst. remember password memori pasvorton subst. reminder memorigo adj. remote fora subst. remote assistance defora asistado subst. remote access defora atingo subst. remote control teleregilo subst. remote data processing fora datumtraktado subst. remote desktop fora labortablo subst. remote execution telefunkciigo subst. remote filename nomo de fora dosiero subst. remote terminal fora terminalo subst. remote user fora uzanto adj. removable demetebla subst. removable disk demetebla disko subst. removal tool (malware) fiprogramara forigilo verbo remove forigi verbo rename renomi verbo render bildigi subst. render engine bildigilo subst. render module bildigo modulo subst. rendering bildigo verbo repair ripari subst. repair time ripartempo verbo repeat ripeti subst. repetition iteracio adj. repetitive ripeta subst. Repetitive Strain Injury Trouza Braka Malsano verbo replace anstatauxigi subst. replacement anstatauxigo verbo replicate repliki subst. replication replikado subst. replication lag (statistics) verbo reply respondi subst. reply respondo subst. reply button respondbutono subst. report raporto verbo report raporti subst. repository deponejo verbo represent prezenti subst. representation prezento verbo reprint represi verbo reprocess retrakti verbo request peti subst. request peto adj. required (argument) postulata adj. required (disk space) bezonata adj. required nepras subst. requirement specification postulspecifo subst. requirements postuloj subst. requirements analysis problemanalizo verbo reroute alienkursigi verbo rerun restarti subst. rerun time restarta tempo verbo resample (image) rekalkuli (bildon) verbo reschedule tempe replani subst. research funkciad-esplorado subst. research and development esplorado kaj disvolvado subst. reseller pluvendisto verbo reset (set again) resxargxi verbo reset (set to zero) rekomenci subst. reset resxargxo subst. reset button resxargxa butono adj. resident rezida subst. resident font rezida tiparo subst. resident program rezida programo subst. residue resto adj. resizable regrandigebla verbo resize regrandigi subst. resolution distingivo verbo resolve (conflicts) solvi (konfliktojn) subst. resource risurco subst. response time respondotempo verbo restart (computer) restartigi verbo restart (job) rekomenci subst. restart restarto verbo restore restauxri subst. restore scenario restauxra scenaro verbo restrict limigi adj. restricted (access) limigita subst. restricted file limigite alirebla dosiero subst. restriction limigo verbo resume dauxrigi verbo retain (overrides) konservi subst. retention cycle tenciklo subst. retention period tenperiodo verbo retrieve ekstrakti verbo retrain retrejni verbo retry reprovi verbo return liveri subst. return (hard) alinefino subst. return address resenda adreso subst. return button revenbutono subst. return statement revenordono subst. return status elirstato subst. return value liverajxo subst. reusable reuzebla subst. reusable paper reuzebla papero verbo reveal malkasxi verbo reverse inversigi verbo reverse engineer retroprojekti subst. reverse engineering retroprojektado subst. reversible counter dudirekta nombrilo verbo revert changes malfari (sxangxojn) verbo review recenzi subst. review recenzo subst. revision revizio verbo revoke senvalidigi subst. revocation senvalidigo verbo rewind revolvi verbo rewrap subst. rewritable CD re-registrebla k-disko subst. RGB value RVB-valoro subst. ribbon rubando subst. rich media subst. rich text format (RTF) Ricxa Teksto-Formato subst. right alignment dekstrigo verbo right-justify dekstre gxisrandigi subst. ring ringo verbo rip ekstrakti subst. ripping ekstraktado subst. roaming subst. roaming profile subst. robot roboto verbo roll ruli subst. roll out verbo roll back malfari sxangxojn subst. rollback sxangxomalfaro subst. rolling ball stirglobo subst. root (directory) radiko subst. root (user) cxefuzanto subst. root directory radika dosierujo subst. root sign radiksigno subst. rootkit verbo rotate turni subst. rotation turno subst. rotation angle turnangulo subst. rotation object turnobjekto verbo round rondigi verbo round down subrondigi verbo round off rondigi verbo round up superrondigi adj. rounded rondigita subst. rounding error rondigeraro subst. route kurso verbo route enkursigi subst. router enkursigilo subst. routine subprogramo subst. routing enkursigo subst. row vico subst. row break vica salto subst. row height vica alto adj. royalty-free senauxtorrajta mallon. RPG raportgenerilo subst. RSS feed RSS-fluo subst. RTF file RTF-a dosiero subst. rule regulo subst. ruler mezurilo verbo run ruli subst. run rulo adj. run-time rultempa subst. run-time environment medio rultempa subst. run-time error rultempa eraro subst. run-time system rultempa sistemo adj. safe sendangxera subst. safe mode sendangxera regximo subst. safety sekurigo subst. salvage retrovo subst. sample (text) specimeno subst. sample (music) sonpeco subst. sandbox provejo adj. sans serif senserifa verbo save konservi verbo save as konservi kiel verbo save draft konservi malneton verbo save file konservi dosieron adj. scalable skalebla subst. scalable vector graphic (SVG) skalebla vektora grafikajxo subst. scale skalo verbo scale skali verbo scale down redukti subst. scale factor skalfaktoro subst. scam trompo verbo scan (image) skani subst. scanner skanilo subst. scenario scenaro subst. scenario manager scenara mastrumilo verbo schedule plani subst. schedule horaro subst. scheduler planilo subst. scheduling planado subst. scheme skemo subst. scope verbo scramble miksi subst. scrambler subst. scratch file malneta dosiero subst. screen ekrano subst. screen capture ekrankopio subst. screen capture tool ekrankopiilo subst. screen dump ekrankopio subst. screen font ekrantiparo subst. screen locker ekransxloso subst. screen saver ekrankurteno subst. screen shot ekrankopio subst. screen size ekrangrando subst. script skripto subst. scripting skriptado verbo scroll rulumi subst. scroll ball (mouse) rulumilo subst. scroll bar rulumskalo subst. scroll button rulumilo subst. scroll lock ruluma baskulo subst. scrolling rulumado mallon. SDK programista programara ilaro adj. seamless (integration) perfekta verbo search (for file) sercxi verbo search (in document) trasercxi subst. search sercxo subst. search as you type dumtajpa sercxo subst. search bar sercxbreto subst. search criterion sercxa kriterio subst. search engine sercxilo subst. search text sercxa teksto subst. search tree sercxarbo adj. secondary duaranga subst. secondary axis duaranga akso subst. secondary index kromindekso subst. secondary key kromsxlosilo subst. secondary order kroma ordo subst. section (CAD) sekcio subst. section (text) sekcio subst. section name sekcia nomo subst. section plane subst. section viewport sekcia vidujo subst. sector sektoro adj. secure sekura subst. secure shell (SSH) sekursxelo subst. security sekurigo (datuma) subst. security bar sekuriga breto subst. security bug sekuriga cimo subst. security bulletin bulteno pri sekurigo subst. security hole sekuriga truo subst. security issue sekuriga problemo subst. security level sekureca nivelo subst. security patch sekuriga flikajxo subst. security risk sekureca risko subst. security software sekuriga programaro subst. security token verbo seed (torrent) fontsendi subst. seeder (torrent) fonto verbo seek sercxi subst. seek sercxo subst. segment segmento verbo select elekti subst. selection (zone) areo subst. selection (choice) elektajxo adj. self extracting memekspansia subst. self extracting archive memekspansia arkivo subst. self extracting EXE file memekspansia exe-dosiero subst. self extracting ZIP file memekspansia zip-dosiero subst. self-ajoint matrix memadjunkta matrico adj. self-conjugate normala subst. self-erasing document sindetrua dokumento adj. semi bold (font) duongrasa adj. semi light (font) duonmalgrasa adj. semiautomatic duonauxtomata subst. semi-conductor duonkonduktilo adj. semi-sorted parte ordigita subst. semicolon punktokomo verbo send sendi verbo send as e-mail sendi kiel retmesagxon verbo send backward sendi malantauxen verbo send to back sendi fonen subst. sender sendinto subst. sending server senda servilo subst. send-monitor sendkontrolilo subst. sensor sentilo subst. sent item sendita mesagxo subst. separable apartigebla verbo separate apartigi subst. separate compilation disa tradukado subst. separating character apartiga signo adj. separative apartiga subst. separator apartigilo subst. sequence sinsekvo subst. sequence of functions sinsekvo de funkcioj adj. sequential sinsekva subst. sequential access sinsekva atingo subst. sequential circuit memorhava cirkvito adj. serial seria subst. serial access seria atingo subst. serial number serinumero subst. serial port seria konektejo subst. serial search seria sercxo subst. series serio adj. serif serifa subst. server servilo subst. server administration servila administrado subst. server farm servilaro subst. server timeout tempolimo de servilo adj. server-side servilflanka subst. service servo subst. service level servonivelo subst. service level agreement (SLA) interkonsento pri servonivelo subst. service level target servonivela celo subst. service pack gxisdatiga pakajxo subst. service provider provizanto de servoj subst. service update gxisdatigeto subst. servlet servleto subst. session seanco subst. session auto start auxtolancxo de seanco subst. session handling traktado de seanco subst. session ID seanca identigilo subst. session layer seanca tavolo subst. session restore seanca restauxro subst. session timeout tempolimo de seanco subst. set aro verbo set (defaults) agordi verbo set (input mode) sxalti subst. set top-box sursxranketo subst. set type artipo verbo set up agordi subst. setting agordo subst. setup agordajxo subst. set-up agordajxo subst. setup program agordilo verbo shade ombri adj. shaded ombra adj. shade-giving ombrodona subst. shader ombrigilo subst. shading kolorheleco subst. shadow (font) ombro subst. shadow copy ombra kopio subst. shadowing ombrado subst. shape formo adj. shapeless senforma verbo share (folder) komunigi verbo share (picture) havigi verbo share (divide) dividi verbo share (knowledge) subst. share komuna dosierujo adj. shared (folder) komune uzebla adj. shared (picture) havigita subst. shared folder (local) komuna dosierujo subst. shared library komuna biblioteko subst. shared network folder komuna dosierujo en loka reto subst. shareware tauxgprova programo subst. sharing (folder) komunigo subst. sharing (pictures) havigo verbo sharpen pliakrigi adj. sharpness akreco subst. sheet folio subst. sheet header foliotitolo subst. Sheffer stroke malkajo subst. shell sxelo subst. shell access sxelaliro verbo shield kirasi verbo shift sxovi subst. shift (computer) sxovo subst. shift (work) laborperiodo subst. shift key majuskliga klavo subst. shift register sxovregxistro subst. shipping build distribuota eldono subst. short name mallonga nomo subst. shortcut simbola ligilo subst. shortcut icon fulmbildeto subst. shortcut key fulmoklavo verbo shorten mallongigi verbo show montri subst. show prezentado subst. shredder dokumentdetruilo verbo shuffle miksi verbo shut down malsxalti subst. shutdown sistemfermo subst. sidebar flanka strio subst. side-effect kromefiko subst. sidegrade subst. sign signo verbo sign subskribi subst. sign extension signumpluigo verbo sign off adiauxi verbo sign on ensaluti verbo sign up enskribigxi subst. signal signalo subst. signal element signalero subst. signature subskribo subst. signer subskribanto subst. significant digit signifa cifero subst. signum signumo adj. simplex unudirekta verbo simulate simuli subst. simulation simulado subst. simulator simulilo adj. simultaneous samtempa subst. simultaneous operation samtempa funkciado subst. since saving depost konservo adj. single unuopa subst. single boot unuopa sxargxo subst. single field unuopa kampo subst. single line unuopa linio subst. single line spacing sen interlinio adj. single step popasxe subst. single strikethrough unuopa trastreko subst. single-valued function unusenca funkcio adj. singular ununura verbo sink subeniri subst. site retejo subst. site certificate reteja atestilo subst. site license subst. site map enhava mapo subst. size grando subst. sketch skizo subst. skill kapablo subst. skills lab ekzercejo subst. skin etoso verbo skip transsalti subst. slash oblikvo adj. slave sklava subst. slave sklavo verbo slave sklavigi verbo sleep halteti subst. sleep mode halteta regximo subst. slice segmento subst. slide lumbildo subst. slide master lumbilda modelo subst. slide show (person) lumbilda prezento subst. slide show (program) bildoprezento subst. slide sorter lumbilda ordigilo subst. slide transition lumbilda transpaso subst. slide view lumbilda vido subst. slide view time dauxro de lumbilda afisxo subst. slider sxovilo subst. slogan devizo subst. slot (expansion) kompletiga fendo subst. small cap(ital)s majuskletoj subst. smart folder inteligenta dosierujo subst. smartphone subst. smiley miensimbolo verbo smooth glatigi adj. smooth glata subst. smooth scroll glata rulumo subst. smoothing glatigo mallon. SMTP server senda servilo verbo sms tekstmesagxi subst. sms tekstmesagxo subst. snailmail ordinara posxto verbo snap kapti subst. snap line kaptolinio subst. snap point kaptopunkto verbo snap to grid kapti per krado verbo snap to guides kapti per gvidiloj subst. snapshot ekrankopio subst. snubbed (torrent) nericeva stato subst. social networking site interkona retejo subst. socket kontaktoskatolo subst. soft error sporada eraro subst. soft hyphen eventuala streketo subst. soft link simbola ligilo subst. soft page break eventuala pagxosalto subst. soft restart varma restartigo subst. soft return subst. softlifting subst. software programaro subst. software engineering programaringxenierado subst. software license agreement programaro permesilo subst. software life-cycle vivciklo de programaro subst. software tool environment programara metiejo adj. solid solida subst. solid state disk solidstata disko verbo sort ordigi subst. sort ordigo verbo sort ascending ordigi kreskante subst. sort criteria ordigokriterioj verbo sort descending ordigi malkreskante subst. sort key ordiga sxlosilo subst. sorter ordigilo subst. sorting ordigado subst. sorting algorithm ordiga algoritmo subst. sound card sonkarto subst. sound file sondosiero subst. sound player sonlegilo subst. source fonto subst. source code fontkodo subst. source document fonta dokumento subst. source file fonta dosiero subst. source language fontlingvo subst. source program fontprogramo subst. source text fontteksto subst. space (character) spaceto subst. space (working) spaco subst. space bar spacostango subst. space character spaceto subst. space curve neebena kurbo verbo space equally egale interspacigi subst. spacing interspaco verbo spam spami subst. spam spamo subst. spam filter spamfiltrilo subst. spammer spamisto subst. span (error) amplekso verbo span generi subst. sparse matrix maldensa tabelo subst. speaker lauxtparolilo subst. special character speciala signo subst. special device file speciala aparatara dosiero subst. special file speciala dosiero subst. special purpose computer specialigita komputilo subst. specification specifo verbo specify specifi subst. speech recognition parolrekono subst. speech recognizer parolrekonilo subst. speed rapideco verbo spell literumi subst. spell check literumada kontrolo subst. spell checker literumada kontrolilo subst. sphere sfero subst. spider (webcrawler) subst. spindle subst. spin-off subst. spiral spiralo subst. splash screen salutsxildo subst. spindle spindelo subst. spline splajno verbo split dividi subst. split window separator fenestrodivida apartigilo subst. splitter dividilo subst. spoofing subst. spool (tape) mandreno subst. spool(er) volvilo subst. spot punkto subst. spread subst. spreadsheet kalkultabelo subst. spyware spiona programaro subst. square kvadrato verbo square kvadratigi subst. square bracket rekta krampo subst. square matrix kvadrata matrico subst. stable state stabila stato subst. stack stako subst. stack depth limits limigoj de stak-profundoj subst. stack overflow staktroo subst. stack underflow stakmaltroo adj. stacked stakita subst. stadium stadio adj. stand by pretstara adj. stand-alone auxtonoma adj. standard norma subst. standard bar gxenerala breto subst. standard color defauxlta koloro subst. standard deviation norma devio subst. standard filter defauxlta filtrilo subst. standard function defauxlta funkcio subst. standard I/O defauxlta en/eligo subst. standard input cxefenig(uj)o subst. standard installation kutima instalo subst. standard output cxefeligujo subst. standard procedure norma proceduro subst. standardization normigo verbo standardize normigi subst. star steleto verbo start (intransitive) starti verbo start (transitif) startigi subst. start starto verbo start from scratch rekomenci de nulo verbo start up startigi subst. startup startigo subst. state stato subst. statement (SQL) ordono adj. static statika subst. static allocation statika memordisponigo subst. static binding statika bindado subst. static chart statika diagramo subst. static data statikaj datumoj subst. static memory statika memoro subst. static page statika pagxo subst. static text statika teksto subst. staticizer seri-al-paralela konvertilo subst. station stacio subst. stationery subst. statistics statistiko subst. status stato subst. status bar stata breto subst. step pasxo adj. step-by-step popasxe verbo step into eniri enen verbo step out eliri el verbo step over transsalti subst. step function sxtupara funkcio verbo stop (trans.) haltigi verbo stop (intrans.) cxesi verbo stop recording haltigi registradon subst. sticky keys fiksaj klavoj subst. stock stoko subst. stock chart akcia diagramo subst. stockout senstokigxo subst. storage (action) enmemorigo subst. storage (memory) memoro subst. storage allocation memoratribuo subst. storage area memorareo subst. storage capacity memorkapacito subst. storage management memoradministrado subst. storage management system memoradministrilo subst. storage manager memoradministrilo verbo store enmemorigi subst. strategy strategio subst. stratified language plurtavola lingvo subst. stream fluo subst. streaming elsendfluo subst. streaming radio elsendflua radio adj. streamlined subst. streamport fluopordo verbo stretch strecxi subst. strict format strikta formato verbo strike through trastreki subst. strikeout trastreko subst. strikethrough trastreko subst. string (characters) cxeno subst. string terminator cxenfinilo subst. stroke (line) trastreko subst. stroke (key) klavado verbo stroke in klavi subst. stroke weight tipara pezo adj. strong forta subst. structure strukturo subst. structured programming strukturema programado subst. structured statement struktura ordono subst. structured type malsimpla tipo subst. style stilo subst. style sheet stilfolio subst. stylus grifelo subst. sub directory subdosierujo subst. sub menu submenuo subst. subexpression subesprimo subst. subfield subkampo subst. subgraph subgrafeo subst. subgroup subgrupo subst. subject temo subst. subject line temlinio subst. subject matter expert spertulo pri la temo subst. sublevel subnivelo subst. submatrix submatrico subst. submission transsendo verbo submit transsendi subst. submodule submodulo subst. subnet subreto adj. subordinate subst. subrange subvariejo subst. subring subringo subst. subroutine subrutino verbo subscribe aboni subst. subscribed folders abonitaj dosierujoj subst. subscriber abonanto subst. subscript malalta skribo subst. subscription abono subst. subsequence subsekvenco subst. subset subaro subst. substatus substato verbo substitute anstatauxigi subst. substitute character anstatauxiga signo subst. substitution anstatauxigo subst. substring subcxeno subst. subsystem subsistemo subst. subtitle subteksto subst. subtotal subtotalo verbo subtract subtrahi subst. subtracter subtrahilo subst. subtraction subtraho subst. subtree subarbo subst. successor posteulo verbo suggest proponi subst. suggestion propono verbo summarize resumi subst. summary resumo subst. summary slide resuma lumbildo subst. summation check sumada kontrolo subst. summer sumilo subst. sunrise period subst. super user cxefuzanto subst. superdirectory superdosierujo subst. supergraph supergrafeo subst. superscript alta skribo subst. superset superaro subst. supervisor mode mastruma regximo subst. support subteno verbo support subteni subst. supported function subtenata funkcio verbo suppress forigi subst. suppression (zero) forigo verbo surf retumi subst. surface surfaco subst. surfer retumanto subst. surge pliigo subst. surround sound cxirkauxvena sono subst. survey sondado verbo suspend prokrasti subst. suspension prokrasto verbo swap permuti subst. swap file permutodosiero subst. swapping permuto subst. swatch subst. sweepstake verbo switch sxalti subst. switch sxaltilo verbo switch on sxalti subst. syllabic keyboard fraza klavaro subst. symbol simbolo subst. symbolic address simbola adreso subst. symbolic link simbola ligilo subst. symmetric simetria subst. synchronization sinkronigo verbo synchronize sinkronigi adj. synchronous sinkrona verbo syndicate abonrilati subst. syndicate content abonrilata enhavo subst. syndicated RSS feed abonrilatita RSS-fluo subst. syndication abonrilato subst. synonym sinonimo adj. syntactic sintaksa subst. syntactic analysis sintaksa analizo subst. syntactic check sintaksa kontrolo subst. syntactic variable sintaksa variablo subst. syntactical error sintaksa eraro subst. syntax sintakso subst. syntax analyzer sintaksa analizilo subst. syntax diagram sintaksa diagramo subst. syntax error sintaksa eraro subst. syntax-oriented editor sintaksema redaktilo subst. system sistemo adj. system sistema subst. system administration sistemadministrado subst. system administrator sistemestro subst. system architecture sistemarkitekturo subst. system bell sistempepo subst. system call kernovoko subst. system clock taktilo subst. system crash operaciumkolapso subst. system file sistemdosiero subst. system folder sistemdosierujo subst. system generation sistemgenerado subst. system of equations ekvaciaro subst. system load sistemsxargxo subst. system log sistemprotokolo subst. system mode sistema regximo subst. system programming sistemprogramado subst. system requirements sistempostuloj subst. system software sistema programaro subst. system tray taskopleto subst. systems analyst sistemanalizisto subst. systems operator sistemoperatoro subst. systems programmer sistemprogramisto subst. systems software sistemprogramaro verbo tab tabpasxi subst. tab (GUI) langeto subst. tab (key) taba klavo adj. tab-delimited limigita per taboj subst. tab-delimited file taba dosiero subst. tab order taba ordo subst. tab page folio subst. tab stop tabeliga signo subst. tab(ulation) (move) tabpasxo subst. tabbed browsing perfolia retumado subst. table tabelo subst. table lookup tabeltrasercxo subst. table of authorities referenctabelo subst. table of contents enhavotabelo subst. tabulator tabo verbo tag etikedi subst. tag etikedo subst. tag field kazetikedo verbo take effect efektivigxas verbo take precedence superregi subst. tape bendo verbo tape bendskribi subst. tape capacity bendokapacito subst. tape drive bendolegilo subst. tape header bendkapumo subst. tape printer bendpresilo subst. tape punch bendtruilo subst. tape search bendtrasercxo subst. tape spool bendmandreno subst. tape verifier bendkontrolilo subst. target celo subst. target directory cela dosierujo subst. target computer celkomputilo subst. target file celdosiero subst. target language cellingvo subst. target machine celkomputilo subst. target program celprogramo subst. target release date celdato por eldono subst. target release version celversio por eldono subst. target set cela aro subst. task tasko subst. task pane taska panelo subst. taskbar taskopleto subst. teaser adj. technic(al) teknika subst. technical science teknika scienco subst. technical skill teknika kapablo subst. technical writer teknika verkisto subst. technique tekniko subst. technology teknologio subst. tele-conferencing telekonferenco verbo teleprocess teletrakti subst. telex telekso verbo telex teleksi subst. template sxablono subst. template database sxablon-datumbazo adj. temporary provizora subst. temporary file provizora dosiero subst. temporary storage provizora memoro subst. tentative address provizora adreso subst. terabyte terabajto subst. term termino subst. terminal terminalo subst. terminal emulator terminalsimulilo subst. terminal string baza cxeno subst. terminal window terminalfenestro verbo terminate fini subst. terminating symbol finilo subst. termination finigxo subst. termination code elirstato subst. terminator finilo subst. terminator finilo subst. terms of use kondicxoj de uzado subst. test testo subst. test data testdatumoj subst. test function testofunkcio subst. test mode provregximo subst. test suite testa programaro subst. test version testversio subst. tester testilo subst. testing testado subst. text teksto subst. text body tekstokorpo subst. text box tekstujo subst. text editor tekstredaktilo subst. text encoding kodita teksto subst. text file teksta dosiero subst. text mode tekstoregximo subst. text placeholder teksta lokokupilo subst. text processing tekstotraktado subst. text processor tekstotraktilo subst. text wrap teksta cxirkauxfluo subst. text-to-speak teksto-al-parolo adj. textual teksta subst. texture teksturo subst. theme (GUI) etoso subst. theme (general) temo subst. thermal printer varmopresilo subst. thesaurus tezauxro subst. thesis disertacio subst. thick client subst. thin client adj. third-party de ekstera liveranto subst. third-party module modulo de ekstera liveranto subst. third-party software programaro de ekstera liveranto verbo thread tredi subst. thread fadeno subst. treading tredo subst. threshold sojlo subst. threshold element sojla elemento subst. threshold function sojla funkcio subst. threshold value sojla valoro adj. throttle trafik-limiga subst. throttle module trafik-limiga modulo subst. throughput traigivo subst. thumbnail miniaturo subst. Thunderbird Tondrobirdo subst. ticker tekstrulumilo subst. ticket bileto adj. tight strikta subst. tilde tildo verbo tile kaheligi verbo tile fill plenigi kahelojn subst. tiling kahela arangxo subst. tilt misiro subst. time format tempoformato subst. time limit tempolimo subst. time scale temposkalo subst. time sharing tempopartigo subst. time stamp tempindiko subst. time to live vivdauxro subst. time tracking temporegistrado subst. time unit tempounuo subst. timed login horlogxigita ensaluto subst. timeline kronologio subst. time-out eltempigxo subst. time-out demo version eltempigxa provversio subst. timer horlogxo subst. timetable horaro subst. timing tempomezurado subst. tip konsileto subst. tip list listo de konsiletoj subst. tips and tricks praktikaj konsiloj subst. title bar titola breto adj. title case nomuskla subst. to do list (listo de) farendajxoj verbo toggle baskuligi subst. toggle baskulo subst. token jxetono subst. token ring stafetringo subst. tokenizer vorta dispartigilo subst. toner farbopulvoro subst. toner cartridge farbopulvora kartocxo subst. toner low malmulta inko subst. tool ilo subst. toolbar ilobreto subst. tool box ilaro subst. tool pane ilopleto subst. tool program ilprogramo subst. tool path ilvojo subst. tool set ilaro subst. tool tip sxpruchelpilo subst. toolkit ilaro subst. tools bar breto Iloj subst. top copy originalo adj. top-down desupra subst. top-down analysis desupra analizo subst. top-down design desupra fasonado subst. top-down development desupra konstruado subst. top-down parsing desupra analizo subst. topic temo subst. top-level directory supra dosierujo subst. top-level domain supra retregiono adj. top-to-bottom supre-malsupren subst. torrent torento subst. torrent link torenta ligilo subst. torrent file fonta torento subst. touchpad tusxplato adj. touchscreen tusxekrana subst. touchscreen tusxekrano subst. touchscreen overlay subst. touch-sensitive display tusxekrano subst. tower case verbo trace spuri subst. trace program spurilo verbo track (changes) atentadi verbo track (torrent) kunordigi subst. track (hardware) trako (de disko) subst. track ball stirglobo subst. trackback respurado verbo track (differences) sxangxospuri verbo track down sercxi (erarojn) subst. tracker sxangxospurilo subst. tracker module sxangxospura modulo subst. tracking sxangxospurado subst. trademark varmarko subst. traffic datumtrafiko subst. trailer (magnetic tape) postbendo subst. trailer label finetikedo subst. trailer record finrikordo verbo train trejni subst. trainee trejnato subst. transaction transakcio subst. transaction file transakcia dosiero subst. transceiver sendricevilo verbo transcode transkodi verbo transfer transmeti subst. transfer transmeto subst. transfer rate transmetrapido subst. transflective display traluma ekrano verbo transform transformi subst. transformation transformo subst. transformer transformilo adj. transient dummomenta subst. transistor transistoro subst. transit network transita reto subst. transition (slide) transpaso subst. transition (color) transiro subst. transition effect transpasa efiko subst. translation software traduka programaro subst. translator (program) tradukilo verbo transliterate transliterumi subst. transliteration transliterumado subst. transmission transsendo verbo transmit transsendi subst. transmitter transsendilo subst. transparency travidebl(ec)o adj. transparent travidebla subst. transport layer transporta tavolo verbo transpose transponi verbo transscribe transskribi subst. trap interrompo verbo trap interrompi subst. trash rubujo subst. tray trabo subst. tree (diagram) arbo subst. trial version provversio subst. trigger ekagilo verbo trigger ekagigi verbo trim stuci subst. trimmer stucilo subst. triplet bittrio subst. tripple play subst. Trojan horse Troja cxevalo subst. troubleshooting erarsolvado subst. true vero subst. truetype font Trutajpa tiparo verbo truncate (message) distrancxi subst. truncating distrancxado subst. truncation error eraro distrancxi (mesagxon) subst. trunk trunko subst. truth table verectabelo subst. tube tubo verbo tune agordi subst. tuner agordilo subst. tunneling (network) tunelado subst. Turing machine turinga masxino verbo turn off malsxalti verbo turn on sxalti subst. turnover spezo subst. tutorial lernilo subst. TV-out feature subst. TV tuner (card) televida karto verbo tweak optimumigi subst. tweaker optimumiganto verbo type (words) tajpi verbo type (a key) klavi subst. type tipo subst. type conversion tipkonverto subst. type definition tipdeklaro subst. type face tipara fasono subst. type family tipara familio subst. type identifier tipnomo subst. typeface tipara fasono subst. typesetting kompostado subst. typewriter skribmasxino subst. typewriter face skribmasxina tiparo subst. typing error tajperaro subst. typing options tajpadaj opcioj mallon. uid uzantonumero adj. unallocated neatribuita adj. unambiguous unusenca adj. unary unuloka adj. unassigned neatribuita adj. unauthorized nerajtigita adj. unavailable neuzebla subst. unbalanced tree neekvilibra arbo verbo unban (from website) malforbari adj. unbuffered senbufra verbo uncheck malsxalti verbo uncomment malkomenti verbo uncompress malkompaktigi adj. unconditional senkondicxa verbo uncover malkovri adj. uncritical senkritika adj. undefined nedifinita verbo undelete malforigi subst. underflow maltroo subst. underline substreki adj. underlined substrekita subst. underrun maltroo subst. underscore substreko adj. undetectable fault nedetektebla misfunkcio adj. undeveloped (website) sub konstruo adj. undisturbed nemodifita verbo undo malfari subst. undo history malfara historio verbo undock maldoki adj. unedited neredaktita verbo unerase malvisxi adj. unformatted neformatita verbo unfragment senfragmentigi verbo unfreeze malfiksi verbo unfreeze panes malfiksi panelojn verbo ungroup malgrupigi subst. unhide (column) malkasxi verbo unicast subst. Unicode Unikodo adj. unidirectional unudirekta adj. unindexed neindeksita verbo uninstall malinstali subst. uninstaller malinstalilo subst. union unio subst. unit unuo subst. Universal Binary subst. Unix Unikso subst. Unix user Uniksulo adj. unjustified negxisrandigita adj. unknown nekonata adj. unlabelled senetikeda verbo unlink malligi verbo unload malsxargxi verbo unlink malligi verbo unlock (computer) malsxlosi verbo unmark malmarki verbo unmount (a file system) demeti adj. unnamed sennoma verbo unpack malpaki verbo unplug malkonekti subst. unprintable character nevidebla signo verbo unprotect malprotekti verbo unprotected neprotektita verbo unpublish malpublikigi adj. unrecoverable nerestauxrebla adj. unregistered neregistrita verbo unselect malselekti verbo unset malsxalti adj. unsigned (driver) sensignuma adj. unsorted neordigita subst. unstable state nestabila stato subst. unstratified language unutavola lingvo verbo unsubscribe malaboni adj. untitled sentitola adj. unused neuzata adj. unversioned sen versikontrolo adj. unvisited link nevizitita ligilo verbo unwind disvolvi verbo unzip maldensigi verbo unzoom malzomi verbo update gxisdatigi subst. update gxisdatigo subst. updating gxisdatigo verbo upgrade promocii subst. upgrade promocia eldono subst. upgrade training promocia trejnado verbo upload alsxuti subst. uploader alsxutilo adj. upper supra adj. upper case majuskla subst. upper case majuskloj mallon. UPS vicnutrilo adj. upstream kapacito de datumfluo al servilo subst. uptime dauxro de funkciado adj. up-to-date gxisdata subst. upward compatible kongrua plien mallon. URL URL subst. usability afabligo subst. usability design afabliga fasonado subst. usage uzo mallon. USB USB subst. USB flash drive USB-posxmemorilo subst. used computer brokanta komputilo subst. Usenet forumaro subst. user uzanto subst. user administration administrado de uzantoj subst. user agent subst. user-agent string subst. user base nombro de uzantoj subst. user data datumoj de uzanto subst. user environment adj. user friendly afabla subst. user guide manlibro por uzantoj subst. user id uzantnumero subst. user identifier uzantonumero subst. user interface fasado subst. user license permesilo subst. user manual manlibro por uzantoj subst. user mode usantregximo subst. user name salutnomo subst. user profile uzantoprofilo subst. user quota uzantokvoto subst. user-defined propre difinita adj. user-friendly afabla adj. user-generated de uzanto kreita subst. user-generated content de uzanto kreita enhavo adj. user-specified difinita de uzanto verbo usher in enmemorigi subst. utility (program) utilajxo subst. vacation message feria mesagxo adj. valid valida subst. validation validigo subst. validity valideco subst. value valoro subst. value parameter pasigo per valoro adj. valueless senvalora subst. variable variablo subst. variable data variabla datumoj subst. variable declaration variablodeklaro subst. variable-length code varilonga kodo subst. variable-length record varilonga rikordo subst. variable-point representation nefikspunkta reprezento subst. variation variajxo subst. variation of constants variigo de konstantoj adj. various diversaj verbo vary varii subst. vector vektoro subst. vector graphics vektora grafiko subst. vector mask vektora masko subst. vectorization vektorado subst. vendor vendisto subst. vendor lock-in vendisto-dependigxo adj. vendor-dependent vendisto-dependa subst. verification programkontrolo subst. verifier kontrolilo verbo verify kontroli adj. versatile diversutila subst. version versio subst. version control versikontrolo subst. version incompatibility proversia malkongruo adj. versioned kun versikontrolo subst. vertical bar vertikala streko subst. vertical line vertikala linio subst. vertical row vertikala vico subst. video card vidkarto subst. video chat retbabilado kun video subst. video podcast vidpodkasto subst. video RAM vidmemoro subst. video tutorial video-instruilo subst. video-conferencing telekunsidado subst. video-on-demand video laux peto subst. view vido verbo view vidigi subst. viewer vidigilo subst. viewport vidujo adj. virtual virtuala subst. virtual address virtuala adreso subst. virtual desktop virtuala labortablo subst. virtual disk virtuala disko subst. virtual machine virtuala masxino subst. virtual memory virtuala memoro subst. virtual reality virtuala realo subst. virtual storage virtuala memoro subst. virus komputila viruso subst. visible character videbla signo subst. visible grid videbla krado subst. visited link vizitita ligilo subst. visual display unit ekranbloko subst. visualization bildigo subst. visualization tool bildigilo subst. vocabulary vortprovizo subst. voice over IP rettelefonado adj. voicecontrol vocxregita subst. voicemail vocxa mesagxo adj. void vaka mallon. VOIP rettelefonado adj. volatile variema subst. volatile memory energi-dependa memoro subst. voltage tensio subst. voltage level tensinivelo subst. volume portilo subst. volume label portilmarko subst. volume license grandkvanta permesilo subst. von Neumann architecture Neuxmana arkitekturo mallon. VPN virtuala privata reto mallon. VRAM videomemoro subst. vulnerability vundebleco subst. wafer vaflo subst. wafer prober vaflo-provilo verbo wait atendi subst. walkman promenkasedilo subst. wall style murstilo subst. wallpaper ekranfono mallon. WAN malloka reto subst. warm reboot varma restartigo subst. warm restart varma restarto subst. warming up varmigxado subst. warning avertmesagxo subst. waste instruction senefekta instrukcio subst. watch dog tempogardilo subst. watchlist atentaro adj. watercooled subst. watermark akvomarko subst. web reto subst. web authoring tool retpagxoredaktilo subst. web browser foliumilo subst. web help rethelpilo subst. web hosting retejgastigo subst. web layout reta arangxo subst. web master retejestro subst. web page retpagxo subst. web site retejo subst. web space retspaco subst. web syndication reta abonrilato subst. web version reta versio adj. webbased reta subst. webcam retkamerao subst. webcast retelsendi subst. webcrawler (spider) reta indeksroboto subst. webinar retseminario subst. weblink retligilo subst. weblog rettaglibro subst. webmail retposxto subst. webquery reta informpeto subst. webserver retservilo subst. webshop retbutiko subst. webvertising retreklamo subst. webzine retrevuo adj. well-conditioned bonkondicxa adj. well-formed bonforma adj. well-ordered bonorda subst. wheel rado adj. whole tuta subst. wide area computer network malloka reto subst. wide area network malloka reto adj. widescreen largxekrana subst. widget fenestrajxo subst. wifi sendrata reto subst. wiki vikio subst. Wikipedia Vikipedio subst. wildcard (character) jxokero subst. wilcard expression jxokera esprimo verbo wind volvi subst. window fenestro subst. window decoration fenestro-ornamajxo subst. window manager fenestra agordilo subst. window resistance fenestra rezistado subst. window system fenestrosistemo subst. Windows Vindozo subst. Windows key Vindoza klavo subst. Windows user vindozulo subst. wire drato adj. wire connected dratkonektita subst. wire frame drata kadro adj. wireless sendrata subst. wireless LAN sendrata reto subst. wiring dratado subst. wish list listo de indajxoj subst. wizard (installation) asistanto mallon. WLAN sendrata reto subst. word break vorta salto subst. word completion vortkompletigo subst. word count vortnombrado subst. word length vortlongo subst. word processing dokumentoredaktado subst. word processor dokumentoredaktilo subst. word symbol vortosimbolo subst. word wrap(ping) linifaldo subst. work area laborareo subst. work environment labora medio subst. workaround provizora solvo subst. workbook kajero subst. workflow laborfluo subst. workgroup laborgrupo subst. working area laborareo subst. working copy laborkopio subst. working directory kuranta dosierujo subst. workload laborsxargxo subst. worksheet laborfolio subst. workshop laborsesio subst. workspace laborspaco subst. workspace editor laborspaca agordilo subst. workstation laborstacio subst. world factbook monda faktlibro subst. world-wide web tuttera teksajxo subst. wrap off sen cxirkauxfluo subst. wrap on kun cxirkauxfluo verbo wrap text teksta cxirkauxfluo subst. wrapping behavior cxirkauxflua konduto subst. writable CD surregistrebla k-disko verbo write (CD) skribi verbo write (text) verki verbo write error skriberaro subst. write head skribkapo adj. write only nurskriba subst. write protection kontrauxskriba protektado subst. write speed skriborapido subst. write speed test testo de skriborapido subst. write-access registro-aliro adj. written consent surpapera konsento adj. write-protected kontrauxskribe protektita subst. wrong password negxusta pasvorto mallon. WWW TTT subst. WYSIWYG vidate-vidote subst. WYSIWYG HTML editor HTML-redaktilo vidate-vidota verbo yield control regcedi verbo zero nulizi subst. zero day flaw verbo zero fill nulplenigi subst. zero suppression nulredukto subst. zero value nula valoro subst. zetta zeta verbo zip densigi subst. ZIP-drive zip-disko subst. zone areo verbo zoom zomi subst. zoom factor zoma faktoro verbo zoom in zomi verbo zoom out malzomi