Различие между версиями «Модуль:ru-pron»

[отпатрулированная версия][отпатрулированная версия]
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Строка 227:
{'[sz][dt]c', 'sc'},
{'([rn])[dt]([cč])', '%1%2'},
-- -дцат- (in numerals) has optionally-geminated дц
{'dca(' .. accents .. '?)t', 'c(c)a%1t'},
-- дц, тц, дч, тч + vowel always remain geminated, so mark this with ˑ;
-- if not followed by a vowel, as in e.g. путч, use normal gemination
-- (it will normally be degeminated)
{'[dt]([cč])(' .. vowels .. ')', '%1ˑ%2'},
{'[dt]([cč])', '%1%1'},
-- the following is ordered before the next one, which applies assimilation
Строка 638 ⟶ 644 :
--3. voicing/devoicing assimilation; repeat to handle recursive assimilation
while true do
local new_text = rsub(text, '([bdgvɣzžĝĵǰӂ])([ ‿⁀ʹː‿⁀ʹːˑ()/]*[ptkfxsščɕcĉ])', function(a, b)
return devoicing[a] .. b end)
new_text = rsub(new_text, '([ptkfxsščɕcĉ])([ ‿⁀ʹː‿⁀ʹːˑ()/]*v?[ ‿⁀ʹː‿⁀ʹːˑ()/]*[bdgɣzžĝĵǰӂ])', function(a, b)
return voicing[a] .. b end)
if new_text == text then
Строка 653 ⟶ 659 :
--rewrite iotated vowels
text = rsub(text, '(j[%(ːːˑ%)]*)([aeou])', function(a, b)
return a .. iotating[b] end)
-- eliminate j after consonant and before iotated vowel (including